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PDW@IACMR 2025 CfA|Micro Doctoral Consortium

2025 IACMR Micro Doctoral Consortium
Call for Applications

Application Deadline: 11:59PM, March 31st, 2025 Beijing Time


Overview and Purpose

The 2025 IACMR Micro Doctoral Consortium is designed to support doctoral students in both career and research development. This in-person consortium comprises a blend of presentation, discussions, and interactive sessions aimed at aiding doctoral students in navigating the Ph.D. life, developing research ideas, establishing connections with their cohort and invited experts, and launching their academic career. Notably, over 20 faculty members have volunteered to speak and/or host roundtable discussions on topics such as developing research identity, achieving success in research and publishing from the perspective of journal editors, fostering effective and inclusive collaborations, and building a successful and enjoyable academic career. Participants will be grouped based on their Ph.D. stages (in session 1) or research interests (in session 2) to encourage targeted discussions and community-building. The official language for the consortium is English.

Application Information

Applications for the Micro Doctoral Consortium are due by 11:59PM, March 31st 2025 Beijing Time. We expect approximately 60 students to attend. Applicants are required to be currently and formally in a doctoral program in management, and students at all stages are welcome to apply. Given the number of applicants, priority may be given to students who are at their later stage in the Ph.D. program. Applicants need to submit both a personal resume and a personal statement in English (about 1-2 pages). In the personal statement, you need to:

  1. list your research interests and brief research projects,
  2. explain why you apply for this consortium, and
  3. in which of the three areas (research, teaching, and career development) you need help the most.

Please send your application to the following email address: IACMR_OBDC2025@163.com. If you have any questions, please contact us through the above email address.

Temporary Schedule (June 11)

1:00-1:15pm: Welcome & Opening Activities
1:15-2:15pm: Session 1 – Research Development
2:15-2:30pm: Networking & Break
2:30-3:30pm Session 2 – Teaching Development
3:30-3:50pm: Networking & Break
3:50-4:50pm: Session 3 – Career Development
4:50-5:00pm: Reflections & Conclusions

Reminder: To participate in the PDW “Micro Doctoral Consortium” PDW, you must register for the 2025 IACMR Conference and attend in person. Registration open: March 2025, please stay updated.

We look forward to your application!

2025 IACMR Micro Doctoral Consortium Committee:

Yuntao Dong, Peking University
Yan Jiang, Nanjing University
Yiwen Zhang, the University of Hong Kong