主题:Management and Organization Research in the Chinese Healthcare Context: Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges
时间:9:00- 10:15 am
日期:2021年5月26日 (北京时间)
The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed not only medical but also management researchers to the edge of rethinking the management and organizational issues in the healthcare system. This talk highlights that healthcare organizations provide a rich context to produce new management theories and insights. Based on my own research experience and an initial review of published articles in top-tier journals in the past 30 years, I would like to share my observations of the trends, opportunities, and challenges in conducting management and organization research in the healthcare context, especially in the Chinese healthcare context.

LIU Wu is full professor at the Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He obtained his bachelor’ and master’s degrees at the School of Management in Fudan University, China, and then his Ph.D. in organization studies at Vanderbilt University, U.S.A. His passion of research is on employee voice behavior, emotions, leader-member and team dynamics, and cross-cultural conflict management. His work has been published at various top-tier journals, such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Leadership Quarterly.