主题:The Institutional Logics Perspective: Developments and New Directions
演讲人:Michael Lounsbury, University of Alberta
时间:2021年8月25日9:00- 10:15 am (北京时间)
Speaker’s bio

Michael Lounsbury is professor and Canada Research Chair in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Alberta School of Business. Professor Lounsbury’s research has a general focus on the relationship between entrepreneurship and institutional change, especially the cultural entrepreneurship involved in the creation of new industries and practices. He serves on a number of editorial boards and his work has been published in top tier peer-reviewed journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, and Organization Studies. In addition, he is the series editor of Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Professor Lounsbury has previously served as Chair of the Organization and Management Theory Division of the Academy of Management. At the University of Alberta, he is the Academic Director of the Technology Commercialization Centre (TCC). His Ph.D. is in Sociology and Organization Behavior from Northwestern University.
In this talk, Professor Michael Lounsbury will provide an overview of the origins and development of the institutional logics perspective, highlighting the generativity of this literature as it has developed over the past three decades. While the institutional logics literature has grown exponentially, there are many important opportunities for future scholarship. Emphasizing the need to understand institutional logics as complex, dynamic phenomena, Lounsbury argues for a future research agenda that probes how logics cohere and endure by unpacking the role of values, the centrality of practice, and the governance dynamics of institutional logics and their orders.