1. 专场zoom链接:
ID: 611-882-6798
password: 202041114
2. 专场时间场次安排(Schedule of the IACMR Special Symposium)
3. 各专场报告论文
4月11日上午(April 11 morning)9:30-11:15
中文专场一: 疫情与中国企业的危与机
(Chinese session 1: Outbreak and the Crises and Opportunities for Chinese Enterprises):
- 新冠病毒疫情在中国的爆发和缓解对企业市场反应的影响研究 (万国光,周钺睿,贾良定)
- 危中有机新冠疫情对中国制造企业GVC嵌入的双面影响研究 (甄珍,王凤彬)
- 新冠肺炎疫情结束后报复性消费会如期而至吗?(邓世昌,王汪帅,晁逸凡)
4月12日上午(April 12 morning)9:30-11:30
English session 1: Outbreak and behavior
- Mindfulness Buffers the Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak Information on Sleep Duration (Michelle Xue Zheng, Jingxian Yao, Jayanth Narayanan)
- Routine Disruption and Medical Errors: How Can Hospitals Help Nurses to Deal with the Attacks by COVID-19 (Wei Wu, Wu Liu, Yuhuan Xia, Wen Wu)
- Who is worth our effort after the “hostile forces of nature”? An evolutionary explanation of family motivation in facing COVID-19 (Feifan Yang, Zhijun Chen, Rongwei Chu, Yahua Cai)
- Unprecedented disruptions of live and work – a survey of the health, distress and life satisfaction of working adults in China one month into the COVID-19 outbreak (Stephen Zhang,Yifei Wang,Andreas Rauch,Feng Wei)
Discussant: Ray Friedman, Vanderbilt University
4月12日下午(April 12 afternoon)2:30-4:15
中文专场二: 疫情与组织管理
(Chinese session 2: Outbreak and Organizational Management)
- 新冠疫情下家庭式作坊的危机管理—基于现象学本体–认识–方法论框架的定性研究 (杨晶)
- 企业抗疫:中新两国应对疫情案例比较 (宋照礼,王亚婷)
- 主动及被动模式下在线远程办公影响效果研究述评与展望(霍伟伟, 龚靖雅,李鲜苗, 聂晶, 瞿晶晶)
4月13日上午(April 13 morning)9:30-11:15
English session 2: Outbreak and management
- A Case Study of a Volunteer Team on Coordinating Medical Supply Donation in the Battle against COVID-19 in Hubei(Xiaoping Tong)
- Crisis Management for SMEs in MACAU S.A.R.: Survival, Resilience and Renewal Strategies during the COVID-19 Outbreak (Jose ALVES, LOK Tan Cheng, LUO YuBo, HAO Wei)
- Trends in Transmissibility of 2019 Novel Coronavirus-infected Pneumonia in Wuhan and 29 Provinces in China (Huazhen Lin, Wei Liu, Hong Gao, Jinyu Nie, Qiao Fan)
Discussant: Xu Huang, The Hong Kong Baptist University
4月13日下午(April 13 afternoon)2:30-4:15
(Chinese session 3: Outbreak Information, Communication, and Decision making)
- 基于Benford 定律的COVID-19 数据可信度分析及预测(罗玉波,郝伟,陆丹青)
- 公众对新冠肺炎疫情防控信息采纳的动态过程研究 (夏莹,范雪灵,刘军)
- 演化博弈视角下重大突发事件政府治理路径研究 (宋美,葛玉辉,刘举胜)
4月14日上午(April 14 morning)9:30-11:15
(Chinese session 4: Outbreak and Public Management)
- 政企协作治理在抗击新冠肺炎疫情中的应用研究——基于30个省市政府公告的文本分析 (张双鹏,刘凤委)
- 政府官员与公共危机管理–以新冠肺炎疫情为例(王新成,郭文静,李垣,李凯丽)
- 利用区块链技术改进国家传染病监测预警网络构想 ( 黄 锐, 陈维政, 胡冬梅, 陈玉玲, 邱虹)