IACMR 2023年大会主题演讲嘉宾阵容
The IACMR 2023 Conference is set to take place at the Hong Kong Baptist University campus from June 14-18, 2023. The registration site is now open, and early registration rates are available until April 15. Don’t miss out on this opportunity, and click here to learn more about the registration process.
We’re excited to have an impressive lineup of keynote speakers who are leading scholars in their fields. To get a sneak peek of who they are, please check out our list of keynote speakers here (the order of names in each panel follows the alphabet). We’ll be releasing the full conference program in April, so stay tuned for more information.
Conference Theme Keynote Panel: Globalization in Flux: China and the World

Xiao-Ping Chen
Xiao-Ping Chen is Philip M. Condit Endowed Chair Professor in the Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington. She has served as Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs (2016-2020) and Chair of the Department of Management and Organization (2009-2015) at Foster. She is an elected Fellow in Academy of Management (AOM), American Psychological Association (APA), and Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). Professor Chen is Editor-in-Chief for Management and Organization Review. She is also the founding editor and current Executive Editor for Management Insights. Professor Chen served as Editor-in-Chief for Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (2010-2016). Professor Chen’s research interests include cooperation and competition in social dilemmas, teamwork and leadership, entrepreneur passion, Chinese guanxi, and cross-cultural communication and management. She is on the list of top 2% most cited scientists in the world. Professor Chen has published many research papers in top-tier journals such as Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Management Science, and Journal of International Business Studies.

Chiu Chi-yue
Before joining CUHK, Professor Chiu Chi-yue had taught at the University of Hong Kong, University of Illinois and Nanyang Technological University. Professor Chiu has created several new fields of investigation in basic and applied social sciences, including multiculturalism and creativity, social psychology of globalization and polycultural psychology. The rich implications of his research on the development of personal, social and cultural competences have been extensively exploited in education, management, marketing, legal studies, arts, sports, communication, and international relations. Professor Chiu owns an impressive record of research awards and publications with significant impact. He is also an innovative and passionate educator and the winner of several outstanding teaching awards at the universities he taught.

Yan “Anthea” Zhang
Dr. Yan “Anthea” Zhang is a professor and the Fayez Sarofim Vanguard Chair of Strategic Management at the Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University. Her research focuses on CEO succession and corporate governance of public-listed companies and family firms, and foreign direct investment and technological entrepreneurship in emerging markets (notably China). Her research has been published in top academic journals, such as Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Marketing Research, and Journal of Marketing among others. Her research has been widely cited in top business media outlets such as Harvard Business Review, Economist, Business Week, New York Times, etc.. She has served as an associate editor of Academy of Management Journal and Strategic Management Journal and now is an area editor of Journal of International Business Studies. She is now the President of Strategic Management Society (SMS).
Keynote Panel (Micro): OB Research

Sharon K. Parker
ARC Laureate Fellow Sharon K. Parker is a John Curtin Distinguished Professor at Curtin University, Director of the Centre for Transformative Work Design at Curtin University, and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Social Science. She is a recipient of the Kathleen Fitzpatrick Award, the Academy of Management OB Division Mentoring Award and, in November of 2019, Sharon was named among the world’s most influential scientists and social scientists in the 2019 Highly Cited Researchers list released by the Web of Science Group, and the only female in Australia appearing on this list in the field of Economics and Business. She is a past Associate Editor for Academy of Management Annals, and has published more than 150 articles in leading journals on topics like work design, proactive behaviour, and job performance.

Gerben S. van der Vegt
Gerben S. van der Vegt is a full professor in Organizational Behavior at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). He holds a PhD in Organizational Psychology from the same university. He has published over 50 scholarly articles in outlets such as Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organization Science, and Personnel psychology. His research interests revolve around issues related to the effectiveness of individuals and teams, with a special focus on coordination and collaboration within and between teams in organizations. He received over 2 Million Euro in funding for his research. He was vice dean of research of the Faculty of Economics and Business (2015-2021), was associate editor of the Academy of Management Journal (2013-2016), and currently serves on the editorial boards of Organization Science and the Academy of Management Journal.

Mo Wang
Dr. Mo Wang is a University Distinguished Professor and the Lanzillotti-McKethan Eminent Scholar Chair at the Warrington College of Business at University of Florida. He is also the Associate Dean for Research, Department Chair of the Management Department, and the Director of Human Resource Research Center at University of Florida. He specializes in research areas of retirement and older worker employment, occupational health psychology, expatriate and newcomer adjustment, leadership and team processes, and advanced quantitative methodologies. He received Cummings Scholarly Achievement Award from Academy of Management’s OB Division (2017), Early Career Contribution/Achievement Awards from American Psychological Association (2013), Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2013), Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology (2012), Academy of Management’s HR Division (2011) and Research Methods Division (2011), and Society for Occupational Health Psychology (2009). He has been supported with more than $5M from NIH, NSF, CDC, and various other research foundations and agencies. He was the invited speaker for White House Social and Behavioral Sciences Team twice (2015 and 2016) and conducted a Congressional Debriefing on Retirement for U.S. Congress in 2015. He is an elected Foreign Member of Academia Europaea (M.A.E) and a Fellow of AOM, APA, APS, and SIOP. He is also a member of the Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences (BBCSS) for National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. He was the Editor of The Oxford Handbook of Retirement and an Associate Editor for Journal of Applied Psychology (2010-2020) and currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief for Work, Aging and Retirement. He was the President of Society for Occupational Health Psychology (2014-2015) and the Director for the Science of Organizations Program at National Science Foundation (2014-2016). He currently serves the Presidential Track for Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology (2021-2024).
Keynote Panel (Macro): Strategy Research
Yanjie Bian
Professor Yanjie Bian is a professor in the Department of Sociology of the University of Minnesota, he is one of the most important contributors to the field of Chinese management and is a pioneer in the areas of Chinese guanxi, social networks, and social inequality. Professor Bian has published 20 books, including Guanxi: How China Works, and 170 journal articles and book chapters, including publications in American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Social Forces, Annual Review of Sociology, Chinese Social Sciences, and Management and Organization Review. He has received numerous research awards and grants from the US and China and has been invited as speakers at international conferences and institutions.

Amy Hillman
Dr. Amy Hillman is the Rusty Lyon Chair of Strategy and former Dean of the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. She received her PhD from Texas A&M University in Strategic Management and Business and Public Policy in 1996 and was inducted Outstanding Doctoral Alumni from her alma mater in 2008. She also received the Outstanding Educator Award from the Academy of Management in 2018. Her areas of interest include corporate political strategies, boards of directors, and corporate strategy. Her research includes over 30 peer-reviewed articles published in leading journals such as Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, and Administrative Science Quarterly. She was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Management in 2014, is a Founding Fellow of the International Corporate Governance Society and elected a Fellow of the Strategic Management Society in 2020.

Jiatao (J.T.) Li
Prof. Jiatao (J.T.) Li is Chair Professor of Management, Lee Quo Wei Professor of Business, and Director of Center for Business Strategy and Innovation, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Prof. Li is an expert on global business strategy. His research work has been published regularly in premier management journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management, and Journal of International Business Studies, and several of which have won best paper awards.
Keynote Panel: China Forum

Zhibiao Liu
Liu Zhibiao is the Dean of Changjiang Institute of Industrial Economics of Nanjing University, Professor and Changjiang Scholar. He was the president of Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences and the president of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics. He is also a member of the Department of Economics of the Social Science Committee of the Ministry of Education, a member of the Expert Committee on Market Supervision of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, a member of the Expert Committee on GVC Work of the Ministry of Commerce, and an invited advisory member of the Shanghai Municipal Government.

Changqi Wu
Professor Wu Changqi is the Dean and Chair Professor of School of Management, Shandong University. Concurrently, he is also a Professor of Strategy at Guanghua School of Management, Director of Institute of the National High-Tech Industrial Zone Development Strategy, the Executive Director of Institute of International Business and Management and the Director of Guanghua-Cisco Leadership Institute at Peking University. He specializes in industrial economics, management strategy and international business.

En Xie
En Xie, is a Professor and interim Dean of the School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Shanghai, China. His research interests include business strategy in emerging economies, international business, and strategic alliances. He has published papers in reputable academic journals like Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of World Business, International Business Review, and other leading management journals in China. Prof. Xie has presented his works at AOM, AIB, and refereed management conferences in China.
Dean’s Forum

Hongbin Cai
Professor Hongbin Cai is the Dean of the HKU Business School and Chair of Economics. He joined the HKU Business School in June 2017 and serves as the Dean since July 2017. He is a National Chang Jiang Scholar (awarded by Ministry of Education of China) and a National Outstanding Young Researcher (awarded by National Science Foundation of China). Professor Cai has published many academic papers in top international journals in economics and finance, in a wide range of areas including game theory, Chinese economy, industrial organization and corporate finance.
Professor Cai was elected as a Fellow of the Econometric Society. He was a member of the National People’s Congress, and a member of the Central Committee of China Democratic League and Vice Chairman of its Committee of Economic Affairs. He was the founding president of The Chinese Finance Association (TCFA, overseas). He serves as an Independent Director on the boards of CCB International (Holdings) Limited and China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation.

Yubo Chen
CHEN Yubo is Coca-Cola Chair Professor, Senior Associate Dean, and Director of Center for Internet Development and Governance at School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University. He received his Ph. D. in Marketing from the University of Florida. He is a recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars from the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Prof. Chen’s main research areas include digital economy, digital transformation of Chinese economy, big data and business innovation in the networked world, and climate change and sustainability strategy. Prof. Chen has published many articles in top marketing and business journals such as the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Information Systems Research and Management Science.

Bruce Macfarlane
Bruce Macfarlane is Dean designate of the Faculty of Education and Human Development and Professor of Educational Leadership and Equity at the Education University of Hong Kong. He has previously held chairs at universities in the UK and Hong Kong, is a former Head of the School of Education at the University of Bristol, UK and is currently guest professor at the University of Boras in Sweden. He has also held visiting professorial positions in Japan, South Africa and Australia. Through his research and scholarship, Bruce has developed conceptual frameworks for interpreting academic practice, ethics and leadership. His major works include Teaching with Integrity (2004), The Academic Citizen (2007), Researching with Integrity (2009), Intellectual Leadership in Higher Education (2012) and Freedom to Learn (2016). He is currently writing a new book for Routledge about the freedom to teach in higher education.

Xiongwen Lu
Xiongwen Lu has been dean of the School of Management at Fudan University since September 2006 and is founding director of the Chinese Marketing Research Center at Fudan University. Lu’s teaching and research interests cover marketing in China as an immature market, internet marketing in China, service marketing, corporate reorganization, and change management. He is the chief editor of Advanced Dictionary of Management, has authored or co-authored seven books, and has published over five dozen research papers. Lu has served as vice chairman of the China National MBA Education Supervisory Committee since 2008. He also served as board director of the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) from 2011-20.

Ed Snape
Ed Snape is Dean of the School of Business and Chair Professor of Management at Hong Kong Baptist University. Previously at HKBU he was an Associate Vice President and Head of the Department of Management, and he also served as director of HKBU’s Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) programme. Ed Snape’s research interests include human resource management, diversity and equal opportunities, employee commitment, leadership, and industrial relations/labour studies. He has published in such journals as Academy of Management Journal, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Human Relations, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Industrial Relations, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Organization Science.
We warmly invite you to register for the conference and meet these renowned scholars in person in Hong Kong!