IACMR 2021 Conference|学术委员会来信
Dear 2021 Conference Participants,
On behalf of the authors of 381 accepted paper presenters, 145 session chairs and facilitators, 26 keynote speakers, and almost a hundred of volunteers, we welcome you to the 9th biennial conference of IACMR!
The past one and a half year has not been easy for most of us, IACMR 2020 could not be held on time. However, this situation provides us an opportunity to explore the possibility to connect scholars worldwide online!
The goal of our conference is to help scholars, educators, and practitioners connect and share ideas about management. We want to provide a forum for Chinese scholars, and those interested in management research in China, to present and develop their works. As the Chinese economy is developing, so is the need for Chinese universities to educate future leaders and for scholars to understand Chinese management practices more deeply. We hope that you will find in this conference a wealth of opportunities to learn, discuss and exchange ideas. Whether your area is micro or macro, about organizational behavior, human resource management or strategy, and whether your goal is to collect feedback about your study, develop a research idea, or learn new teaching skills, there is certainly something valuable for everyone. The conference includes pre-conference teaching workshops, paper sessions, roundtable sessions, symposia, keynote speeches, job recruiting sessions, and professional development workshops.
Record Participation
Participation in IACMR conference again is at record high with 867 papers and symposium proposals submitted, 703 scholars served as reviewers, and 381 papers will be presented during the conference. About 90 overseas universities and more than 300 universities from Chinese Mainland are represented at the conference online this year. We continue to be a truly global organization. To all of you, we express our deep appreciation and welcome.
New Features of 2021 Conference
In the spirit of continuous improvement, we have added several new features in this conference. They are:
a) It is a virtual conference. For the very first time, IACMR holds its conference online. Scholars are able to hear cutting edge researches and connecting with new and old friends simply by clicking “Join Meeting”, without a problem of travel limit and the fear of epidemic.
Click to explore the conference. We have developed a webpage that integrates all the sessions, simply click the webpage, http://www.meet2ex.com, you will be able to enjoy the conference. Both username and password are your email address you registered for the conference. We will use Cisco WebEx for the online conference, please make sure you have downloaded the software on your computer (although it might be working on mobile devices, we strongly recommend you to attend the conference through PC). Please get the software download link here:
b) We have developed an APP for the conference, you can easily look up the conference program on your mobile phone and make your own itinerary by clicking the session you like to attend. Conference awards, exhibitions and recruitments via this APP. It is very easy to use and contains rich information. You will receive announcements timely on your APP! Please to go app store to search “IACMR BC” if you are using iOS system, and scan the QR code below from the browser of your moblie phone to download the APP if you are an Android user.

c) More dimensions at the TLC@IACMR and broaden the targeted audiences. The TLC@IACMR, initiated in 2016 at IACMR Conference, seeks to engage our members on the theory and practice of teaching, and supports their development as world-class teachers and educators. Based on feedback from last TLC@IACMR, we extend this session from half a day to a day, digging deep from the aspects of theory, practice, case studies and so on, 9 experienced professors will showcase their practices of synergizing teaching, research and practice. And we are opening the TLC sessions to ALL participants this year!
The Academic Program
The academic program comprises 68 paper sessions, 48 roundtable sessions, 6 keynote panels, 12 symposium sessions, and 13 professional development workshops. Whatever your interest is, chances are that you will find more sessions of interest than you have time to attend. Please review the program and plan ahead. For those who are new to the IACMR Conference, each of these standard features of the academic program is explained briefly below:
a) Keynote Panels. One of the highlights of the Conference is a series of academic keynote panels. The panelists as well as the panel chairs, moderators, and discussants are among the most renowned intellectual scholars in our field. They will share their insights on the most important and challenging issues faced by organizations in China and the rest of the world.
b) Research Paper Presentations. Presentation of latest research on Chinese management is delivered in three formats: traditional paper sessions, roundtable discussions and symposia. Regular research papers are presented in paper sessions; roundtable sessions are for papers with great potential but are not yet fully developed. Symposia are organized to stimulate discussion about hot topics of common interest. Each session will have a chair/discussant.
c) Professional Development Workshops (PDWs). The PDWs are tailored to the developmental needs of our members. They are issue-driven, problem-centered and hands-on, conducted in a great variety of formats. They address issues of concern to our members not only in research, but also in teaching. These sessions promise to be among the most stimulating and practical to our members.
Virtual Placement Services
This year, we will have a Virtual School Night open to all members. Chinese universities are now actively competing in the global market for world-class faculty. There is no better place to recruit China-minded international faculty than at the IACMR conference. For those schools aspiring to become global and for those scholars on the job market, placement services are provided both before and during the conference. We have the “School Night” for potential candidates to meet school representatives. During the School Night on June 17 18:30-20:30 will have virtual rooms set up with school representatives to meet faculty candidates. Good luck!
Networking and Research Collaboration
In the traditional world, academic conferences are where scholars gather to present and discuss their research findings. IACMR 2021 is more than that. We strongly urge you to take full advantage of this unique gathering of China-minded international scholars to seek out new collaborations, meet new friends, renew old ties, inspire each other to excellence, virtually!
We express our heartfelt thanks to all authors, reviewers, session chairs, members of the conference committees, members of the Chinese and English Program Committees, members of the Local Arrangement Committee, Conference Award Committee members, the staff members of IACMR, and all the volunteers. It is their dedication and collaboration that has made possible the programs we now proudly present.
Thank you for believing in the vision of IACMR and for dedicating your time and effort to advance our mission. We hope you find this year’s conference program stimulating and inspiring.
We invite you all to Engage, Enjoy and Embrace the 2021 IACMR Conference in the coming week!
Runtian Jing
2021 Program Chair
Zhaoli Song
Micro Track Co-Chair, English Program
Fuli Li
Micro Track Co-Chair, English Program
Lirong Long
Micro Track Chair, Chinese Program
David H. Zhu
Macro Track Chair, English Program
Ling Chen
Macro Track Chair, Chinese Program
Yi Tang
Professional Development Workshop Chair