题目:Publishing Impactful Meta-Analysis and Handling the Revise-and-Resubmit Process at a Top Journal: The Case of Prosocial Motivation and Its Work Outcomes
演讲人:Rong Su, University of Iowa
时间:2022年7月28日中午11:00-12:15 (北京时间)
语言: 中文
Meta-analyses published at top-tier journals are, without a doubt, among the most highly cited and most impactful research in our field. They are, however, also a tremendous investment of time and effort. How to develop a meta-analysis with strong theoretical contributions that is well-positioned to be published in a top journal? How to successfully handle the revise-and-resubmit (R&R) process, particularly one that is “high risk”? In this talk, I will draw upon my editorial experience and a recently accepted article (Liao, Su, Ptashnik, & Nielsen, in press) to share insights into these questions. In this article, we meta-analyzed 252 independent samples and 666 effect sizes to examine the effects of prosocial motivation on four workplace outcomes: employee well-being, prosocial behavior, job performance, and career success. In doing so, we challenged the popular mantra of “nice guys finish last.” We provide an integrated framework that organizes fragmented constructs and measures of prosocial motivation; and we examined a number of moderators to resolve inconsistencies in the empirical literature and understand when prosocial motivation is beneficial and when it might be costly for employees. In addition, I will discuss the use of analytical techniques such as meta-analytic regression and meta-analytic path analysis and structural equational modeling for increasing the contribution of a meta-analysis (and what not to do).

Dr. Rong Su (苏容)is an Associate Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship and the Pioneer Research Fellow in Henry B. Tippie College of Business at the University of Iowa. Her research expertise is in the areas of individual differences and personnel selection, person-environment (P-E) fit, gender and diversity in organization, and quantitative research methods (in particular, meta-analysis, psychometric measurement, and structural equation modeling). Her research has appeared in numerous top-tier management and psychology journals and has been featured by major media outlets nationally and internationally including Time and The New York Times. Dr. Su has concluded eight grant-funded research projects to date in the role of PI or Co-PI totaling 1.2 million dollars and is the recent recipient of another research grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). She has served as a research consultant for the U.S. Department of Labor, the U.S. Army, and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Currently, she also serves as an Associate Editor for Psychological Bulletin, a top-tier journal in the field of psychology for publishing high-impact, systematic research syntheses and reviews (impact factor = 23.027).