主题: Building an AI Model for Transcript Coding: Enhancing Capabilities for Negotiation Scholars
演讲嘉宾: Raymond A. Friedman, 范德堡大学
主持人: 贺伟,南京大学
时间: 2025年3月19日9:00-10:15北京时间
语言: English
讲座平台: Zoom
Negotiation scholars often analyze transcripts of simulated negotiation to develop and test theories. This requires having humans code the transcripts line-by-line, which is a process that is extremely expensive, time-consuming, and error prone. The Vanderbilt AI Lab has developed AI models (using Anthropic’s Opus and Sonnett LLMS) to automate the coding process. In this talk, I will discuss how we developed these models, which coding scheme we use, and how we validated these models. I will also discuss how to submit your transcripts for analysis. The models work in Chinese (or other languages) not just English.

Raymond A. Friedman is the Brownlee O. Currey Professor of Management at the Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University.
Professor Friedman’s research has included negotiation, dispute resolution, the management of diversity, and cross-cultural differences between Chinese and American managers. His work has been published in many journals, including Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and Harvard Business Review.
Professor Friedman has served as president of the International Association for Conflict Management, as President of the International Association for Chinese Management Research, and as chair of the Conflict Management Division of the Academy of Management.