时间:2024年3月29日上午9:00- 10:15 (北京时间)
Person-environment (P-E) fit has long been a central area of research in career management and organizational management. Despite numerous empirical studies, P-E fit research has faced criticism for several reasons: (a) Vague conceptualization and operationalization, which can obscure the meaning of P-E fit and its interactions with other constructs; (b) neglect of emerging P-E fit issues in the rapidly evolving career landscape; (c) lack of interdisciplinary integration of research findings and theoretical perspectives. In this presentation, the speaker will share collaborative projects aimed at addressing these pressing concerns and propose an agenda for future exploration. Leveraging an interdisciplinary approach, the speaker will: (a) Share co-authored papers highlighting the multifaceted effects of P-E misfit on employee performance; (b) assess the potential of the Identity-Capability-Reward (ICR) and cybernetic development models to reconceptualize P-E fit within the context of a boundaryless career; (3) Share recent findings from a Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP) paper that applies a boundaryless career perspective to challenge traditional theories of mentoring and newcomer retention.

管延军教授在北京大学获得心理学学士及硕士学位,在香港中文大学获得心理学博士学位。2017年成为英国杜伦大学商学院首位华人正教授,2023年开始担任宁波诺丁汉大学商学院教授职务。在组织管理领域的研究成果发表于Journal of Applied Psychology、Personnel Psychology、Journal of Management和Journal of Organizational Behavior等期刊。在心理学领域,研究成果刊登于美国心理学会的旗舰期刊American Psychologist,Nature子刊Nature Climate Change,以及Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,Psychological Science,Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,Journal of Vocational Behavior等知名期刊。2018年到2023年担任职业生涯管理领域影响因子排名第一的期刊Journal of Vocational Behavior副主编;2023年起担任跨文化心理学期刊Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology的副主编。