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  1. Zhang, Z. X., &Zhang, J. 2014. Understanding Chinese firms from multiple perspectives. New York: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
  1. Shenkar, O., Luo, Y., & Chi, T. 2015. 3rd Edition. International Business. New York, NY: Routledge


The third edition of International Business offers an action-focused, practical approach to the topic, helping students understand the global business environment and its repercussions for executives. The book provides thorough coverage of the field, delving into fundamental concepts and theory; the cultural, political, and economic environment; international business strategies; and even functional management areas.

More comprehensive than competing books, International Business includes:

  • Strengthened, expanded global cases, examples, and ‘industry’ and ‘country’ mini-cases that give students practical insight into the ways companies actually behave within a competitive, global environment
  • Updated coverage of key trends that impact how international business functions, including the drivers of globalization, e-commerce and the impact of the Internet, and international entrepreneurship
  • New material on technology issues, the impact of the financial crisis, and problems in the EU
  • Expanded discussion of the skills and strategies students need to succeed in today’s international business environment, including dynamic capabilities, foreign direct investment, and market entry strategies

Also featuring a companion website with a test bank, Powerpoint slides, and instructor’s manual, this book is ideal for undergraduate and graduate students and instructors of any international business course.


  1. Prashantham, S. 2015. Born Globals, Networks, and the Large Multinational Enterprise: Insights fromBangalore and Beyond. London: Routledge


Focusing on international entrepreneurship, this research book explores the accelerated internationalization of young firms. Known variously as international new ventures (INVs) or “born globals,” such firms have come to be viewed as legitimate actors on the global stage alongside large multinational enterprises (MNEs). However, the current approach taken by scholars – studying large MNEs and born globals separately – is questionable.

This book explores the crucial MNE/INV interface – a fascinating, yet under-researched relationship in international entrepreneurship. Drawing upon a decade of case-based research, the author argues that the MNE influence on born globals must be considered more carefully and suggests how new ventures can leverage MNE networks in the pursuit of their rapid internationalization. Furthermore, it demonstrates that, as firms enhance their levels of innovation, new pathways emerge via multinational corporation networks, a phenomenon vividly demonstrated in the emerging economy context of the Bangalore software industry.

This innovative research text will be of interest to academics, researchers, and advanced students with an interest in international entrepreneurship and business, strategy, innovation, and new ventures.

Link to the book: http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9781138787797/


  1. Fernhaber, S. A., &Prashantham, S. (Eds.). 2015. The Routledge Companion to International Entrepreneurship. New York: Routledge


The domain of international entrepreneurship has continued to gain momentum in an era that sees entrepreneurship and globalization as critical issues in the world of business. Given the flourish of new research in this area, there is a need to provide an up-to-date perspective on the field and its future.

This volume draws together a team of experts purposely selected from both the entrepreneurship and international business fields to present a comprehensive resource on the cutting-edge conversations within international entrepreneurship.

This prestigious reference book will offer students and researchers an introduction to leading scholarship in international entrepreneurship and also serve as a catapult for future research.

Link to the book: http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415829199/


  1. 苗青、陈思静、宫准、洪雁,人力资源管理研究与实践前沿量表手册,浙江:浙江大学出版社,2015



本书收集的量表来源于Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organization Science, Journal of Management等十本管理类顶级英文期刊。作者团队从这些期刊1994年1月到2014年3月15050篇实证研究文献中初步筛选出1144个量表,并按照新创量表、李克特量表、重要性、完整度等标准精选出242个量表,最后对每一个量表提供了包括概念定义、评价者、指导语、量表全文、维度信息、相关变量等尽可能全面的信息,集结成册。这可能是迄今为止较为系统地收集并详细地介绍人力资源管理和组织行为研究中量表的一本学术工具书。




  1. 徐光、田也壮,组织即兴诱发机理研究:一个基于舞台创意过程的理论框架【M】,哈尔滨:黑龙江大学出版社;北京:北京大学出版社出版社,2014




  1. 孙健敏等,幸福社会:提升幸福感的多元视角,北京:中国人民大学出版社



  1. 8.Metz, A. 2015. Kulturkompatible Führung von chinesischen Mitarbeitern. Qualitative Untersuchung zum Voice-Verhalten. Heidelberg: SpringerGabler.

Annette Metz examines the importance of team members‘ voice for organizational development. German companies, being active in China, send western expatriates to China who need to understand the specificities of the Chinese market. Therefore the involvement of the Chinese team members’ ideas and thoughts are of great importance. The author’s findings underline that a Chinese employee’s personal identification with a German manager represents a precondition in order to encourage the employee to voice own thoughts and ideas. In addition to deepening the understanding of direct voice between employee and manager in this intercultural context, the author explores the importance for expatriates to watch out for indirect voice. Indirect voice describes the phenomena of involving third parties.
• Constructs linked with voice – literature review
• Leadership in an intercultural context
• Complexity of intercultural voice-behavior
• Theoretical and managerial implications
• Reflections regarding specificities in German-Chinese leadership
Link to the book: http://www.springer.com/-/1/de27538cc0e1450db8ddc2b55af7a3fd

Link on amazon: http://www.amazon.de/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Annette%20Metz%20kulturkompatible%20


  1. 李阳,白新文,善心点亮创造力:内部动机和亲社会动机对创造力的影响[J],心理科学进展,2015, 23(2): 175-181.


  1. 林晓敏,白新文,林琳,团队心智模型相似性与正确性对团队创造力的影响[J],心理学报. 2014, 46(11): 1734-1747.


  1. 刘健, 刘春林, 殷枫. 财务重述中关联股东网络的传染机制研究[J]. 财经论丛, 2015, 193: 53-61.


  1. 张斌&陈岩. 集团化企业创新的约束条件分析[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2015 (3): 76-86.


  1. ChunmianGe and Ke-Wei Huang, Analyzing the Economies of Scale of Software-as-a-Service Software Firms: A Stochastic Frontier Approach, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management61(4), November 2014, 610-622.


  1. ChunmianGe, Ke-Wei Huang, and Ivan Png, Engineer/Scientist Careers: Patents, Online Profiles, and Misclassification Bias,Strategic Management Journal, forthcoming, March 2015.


  1. Lin W., Ma J., Wang L. and Wang M. (2015) A double-edged sword: The moderating role of conscientiousness in the relationships between work stressors, psychological strain, and job performance, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36, pages 94–111. doi: 10.1002/job.1949.


  1. Chen, X., & Latham, G. P. (2014). The effect of priming learning vs. performance goals on a complex task. Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, 125, 88-97.


  1. Hirst, G., Van Knippenberg, D., Zhou, J., Quintane, E., & Zhu, C. (2015). Heard it through the grapevine: Indirect networks and employee creativity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100, 567-574.


  1. Chua, R., Roth, Y., and Lemoine, J. (in press) The Impact of Culture on Creativity: How Cultural Tightness and Cultural Distance Affect Global Innovation Crowdsourcing Work. Administrative Science Quarterly.
  1. Wei, X., Zhang, Z. X., & Chen, X. P. (in press). I will speak up if my voice is socially desirable: A moderated mediating process of promotive versus prohibitive voice. Journal of Applied Psychology.


  1. Yam, K-C, Chen, X. P., & Reynolds, S. (2014). Ego depletion and its paradoxical effects on ethical decision making. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 124 (2), 204-214.


  1. Zhang, S., Chen, G. Q., Chen, X. P., Liu, D., & Johnson, M. (2014). Interpersonal Identification-Based Versus Collective Identification-Based Group Identity: Nomological network. Journal of Management. 40 (6), 1700-1731.


  1. Chen, X. P., Eberly, M., Chiang, T-J., Farh, J. L., & Cheng, B.S.  (2014). Affective trust in Chinese leaders: Linking paternalistic leadership to employee performance. Journal of Management, 40 (3), 796-819.


  1. Deng, P. & Yang, M. 2015. Cross-border mergers and acquisitions by emerging market firms: A comparative investigation. International Business Review, 24(1): 157-172.
  1. Yi, Zhu, Guan, X., & Li, Y. 2015. The effects of intergroup competition on prosocial behaviors in young children: A comparison of 2.5-3.5 year-olds with 5.5-6.5 year-olds. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9.


  1. Wenqi Wei, Jingjing Ma, & Lei Wang (corresponding author). (2015). The ‘warm’ side of coldness: Cold promotes interpersonal warmth in negative contexts. British Journal of Social Psychology.


  1. Wenqi WEI, Lei WANG, Zhe SHANG & Jenny LI (2015). Non-sympathetic FRN Responses to Drops in Others’ Stocks.Social Neuroscience. In press.


  1. Jiajing Tong, Lei Wang (corresponding author), &Kaiping Peng (2015). From person-environment misfit to job burnout: Theoretical extensions. Journal of Managerial Psychology. Vol. 30 Iss: 2, pp.169 – 182.


  1. Kun Yu, Weipeng Lin, Lei Wang (corresponding author), Jingjing Ma, Wenqi Wei, Haifeng Wang, WencaiGuo, & Jing Shi (2015). The role of affective commitment and future work self salience in the abusive supervision–job performance relationship. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, In press.


  1. Weipeng Lin, Jingjing Ma, Lei Wang (corresponding author), & Mo Wang (2014). A double-edged sword: The moderating role of conscientiousness in the relationships between work stressors, psychological strain, and job performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com)


  1. Anderson, Alistair, R. and Zhang, Xiuxiang, (2015), Enterprise education with Chinese characteristics; policy, practices and uneven development in PRC, with Xiuxiang Zhang, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies,Forthcoming


  1. Anderson, Alistair, R.,(2015), Conceptualising entrepreneurship as economic’explanation’and the consequent loss of ‘understanding’. International Journal of Business and Globalization, 14(2), 145-157.


  1. McKeever, Ed, Jack, Sarah, and Anderson, Alistair, R., (2015), Embedded entrepreneurship in the creative re-construction of place.Journal of Business Venturing, 30(1), 50-65.


  1. Korsgaard Steffen, Anderson Alistair R. and Gaddefors Johan,(2015), Entrepreneurship as re-sourcing: Towards a new image of entrepreneurship in a time of financial, economic and socio-spatial crisis, Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, forthcoming


  1. McDonald, S., Gan, B.C., Fraser, S.,Adekunle, O and Anderson A.R.2015, A Review of Research Methods in Entrepreneurship 1985-2013,.In International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 21(3), forthcoming


  1. Mueller, Sabine, and Alistair R. Anderson.(2014)Understanding the entrepreneurial learning process and its impact on students’ personal development: A European perspective.The International Journal of Management Education 12(3), 500-511.


  1. Anderson, Alistair, and Jinhai Li. (2014)Entrepreneurship and networked collaboration; synergetic innovation, knowledge and uncertainty.Journal of General Management, 40(1), 7-22


  1. Karatas‐Ozkan, M,.Anderson, A. R., Fayolle, A., Howells, J., & Condor, R.(2014) Understanding Entrepreneurship: Challenging Dominant Perspectives and Theorizing Entrepreneurship through New Postpositivist Epistemologies.Journal of Small Business Management,52(4), 589-593.


  1. McKeever, Ed, Alistair Anderson, and Sarah Jack(2014) Entrepreneurship and mutuality: social capital in processes and practices.Entrepreneurship & Regional Development,26(5-6), 453-477


  1. Anderson, Alistair R, and FaridUllah.(2014) The condition of smallness: how what it means to be small deters firms from getting bigger.Management Decision,52(2), 326-349.


  1. El Harbi, Sana, Alistair R. Anderson, and MeriamAmamou.(2014)Innovation culture in small Tunisian ICT firms.Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 21(1), 132


  1. Jos Gamble and Amy Tian. 2015. Intra-national variation in organizational commitment: evidence from the Chinese context. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 26, 7, 948-970.


  1. Qihai Huang and Jos Gamble. 2015. Social expectations, gender and job satisfaction: Front-line employees in China’s retail sector. Human Resource Management Journal. doi: 10.1111/1748-8583.12066


  1. Prashantham, S., &Birkinshaw, J. 2015. Choose Your Friends Carefully: Home-Country Ties and New Venture Internationalization. Management International Review, April 2015,55(2), 207-234.


  1. Prashantham, S., Dhanaraj, C., & Kumar, K. (in press). Ties That Bind: Ethnic Ties and New Venture Internationalization. Long Range Planning, 1-17.


  1. Prashantham, S., &Dhanaraj, C. (in press). MNE ties and new venture internationalization: Exploratory insights from India. Asia Pacific Journal of Management,1-24.


  1. Li, Y. & Sun,J-M (2015). Traditional Chinese leadership and employee voice behavior: A cross-level examination. Leadership Quarterly, 26(2), 172-189


  1. Liu, X-Y., Hartel, C.,& Sun, J-M, (2015). The Workgroup Emotional Climate Scale: Theoretical Development, Empirical Validation and Relationship with Workgroup Effectiveness. Group & Organization Management(In press)


  1. 孙健敏,陆欣欣,孙嘉卿(2015);组织支持感与工作投入的曲线关系及其边界条件,管理科学,28(2)93-102


  1. 柯江林,孙健敏,吴丹(2015),企业慈善行为测量及其对员工职场精神力的影响,经济与管理研究,36(2),100-108


中国人民大学劳动人事学院孙健敏教授获得美国管理学会(AOM)HR Division 2014年Service Award。这是中国大陆学者第一次获得这个奖项。