IACMR- Wiley Webinar Series: Publishing Successfully on International Management Journals
主题: First Step to Success—From Writing to Submission
演讲人: 任爽, 迪肯大学 (Co Editor-in-Chief for British Journal of Management)
时间: 2022年5月13日上午9:00-10:30 (北京时间)
语言: 英文
Conducting good research is not an easy thing. You want it to get published on an esteemed journal and make impact! The first step will be writing a research paper and submit it. However, as a non-native speaker, we often feel stuck in writing in English. In this webinar, Shuang Ren, the Co Editor-in-Chief for British Journal of Management, a well-recognized and esteemed journal of British Academy of Management, will talk about writing tips from a management researcher and an editor’s perspective. Meanwhile, as a Co Editor-in-Chief, she will provide guidance of how to get published on British Journal of Management.

Shuang Ren (PhD, University of Melbourne) is Associate Professor of Human Resource Management at Deakin University, Australia. Her areas of research include human resource management, leadership and leader development, sustainability. She has publications in Journal of Management, Personnel Psychology, Human Relations, Human Resource Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management Review, International Business Review and others, and is the Co Editor-in-Chief for the British Journal of Management.