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Data-Driven Innovation Unraveling the Dynamics of Organizational Transformation


Overview and Purpose

The 2025 IACMR Paper Development Workshop (PDW), themed “Data-Driven Innovation: Unraveling the Dynamics of Organizational Transformation,” aims to support the development of papers for the Management and Organization Review (MOR) Special Issue. 

Our PDW invites submissions that explore and advance our understanding of how data facilitates firm-level innovation. We seek research focused on data-driven innovation, which refers to how firms use data analysis and interpretation to generate new insights, solutions, or improvements. While closely related to existing literature on digitization, artificial intelligence, digital platforms, and ecosystems, this special issue aims to make a unique contribution.

Specifically, we are interested in research that examines how firms leverage data to innovate. We welcome studies investigating the mechanisms, processes, and strategies that enable firms to harness data for achieving breakthroughs and maintaining a competitive edge.

Application Information

The PDW consists of keynote speeches and paper development discussions. The schedule is as follows: the session will begin with an opening speech delivered by the chairman. This will be followed by several keynote speeches focused on contributed research. The session will conclude with a paper development discussion. The research papers should be aligned with the core theme of “Data-Driven Innovation: Unraveling the Dynamics of Organizational Transformation.”

Details could be found in the following link of MOR Special Issue: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/management-and-organization-review/announcements/call-for-papers/call-for-papers-data-driven-innovation-unraveling-the-dynamics-of-organizational-transformation

Papers should submit to anthonywez0524@gmail.com before March 31, 2025, 24:00, Beijing Time. The proposal should not exceed five pages when single-spaced. 

Temporary Format

1. Opening: 10mins (Chairman: Ke Rong)

2. Keynote Talk: (Around 40-60mins)

– Professor Ke Rong
– Professor Jiang Wei
– Professor Helan Bao
– Professor Liang Chen

3. Panel Roundtable Discussion with guest editors (60-90mins): All authors.

4. Q&A (20mins)

5. Conclusion (5mins)

This PDW allows authors and co-authors shortlisted for this Special Issue to participate, the whole PDW may receive about 25 papers and there might be at least 25 researchers coming here.

There should be four to five sets of roundtable discussions between the five organisers and the corresponding academics who signed up for the PDW. Please note that all participants should register for the 2025 IACMR conference.

Details of Keynote Speakers (MOR Special Issue Guest Editors)

Ke Rong (r@tsinghua.edu.cn) is Professor and Director of the Institute of Economics, School of Social Science at Tsinghua University in China. His research focuses on business and innovation ecosystems, the digital economy, and data ecosystems. He has published more than 80 papers in esteemed journals such as the Journal of International Business Studies, Production and Operations Management, and Management and Organization Review. Additionally, he has authored two books titled The Theory of Data (in Chinese) and Business Ecosystems. In recognition of his academic achievements, he has been honored with several awards, including the Youth Changjiang Scholar of the Ministry of Education, Chief Expert of the National Social Science Major Project, Elsevier Highly Cited Scholar in China, and the 2022 Innovation Research Award of the China Information Economics Society. He serves as the founding chief editor of the Journal of Digital Economy and as a board member of JIBS, JIBP, MOR, and Technovation. He is also a member of the Expert Network of the World Economic Forum.

Jiang Wei (weijiang@zju.edu.cn), the vice-principal of Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, is a Changjiang Chair Professor and a professor of innovation and strategy management at Zhejiang University. Dr. Wei actively engages in multiple academic roles, which include being a member of both the National Assessment Committee of Business Administration Discipline at the Degree Committee of the State Council and the National Teaching Guidance Committee of Business Administration Discipline at the Ministry of Education, as well as serving on the Management Department within the Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Education. Dr. Wei’s expertise lies in strategic management and innovation management. He has chaired 6 international research projects, 17 NSFC/NSSFC projects, and more than 60 other national and provincial research projects. He has authored 27 academic monographs and 10 textbooks, and published over 400 papers across various Chinese and international academic journals, including JIBS, ERD, MOR, Technovation, R&D Management, AOM, Management World (Guanli Shijie), among others. The citation of his research has been at the forefront of domestic management academia for more than a decade.

Helen Bao (Hxb20@cam.ac.uk) is a Professor of Land Economy at the Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge. Helen’s research focuses on government policy and interventions that facilitate market operations and mitigate market failures in urban settings, such as sustainable urbanisation and housing affordability. On the technical front, she specialises in the application of behavioural insights and hedonic price modelling in land and housing markets. Helen’s book, Behavioural Science and Housing Decision Making: A Case Study Approach, pushes the teaching and research frontier of behavioural urban studies. Helen has published extensively on the application of behavioural insights in real estate markets in Urban Studies, Regional Sciences, Land Use Policy, Housing Studies, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Cities, Transport and Research Part F – Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, among others. Helen’s research has received grants from the Economic and Social Research Council (UK) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. She is an Associate Editor of Cities and an editorial board member of key journals in the area of urban studies, such as Land Use Policy.

Liang Chen (liangchen@smu.edu.sg) is Associate Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship and Lee Kong Chian Fellow at Singapore Management University. His recent research on platform ecosystems and digital strategy appears in the Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management, Journal of International Business Studies, and Harvard Business Review. He also has lasting research interests in multinational firms, emerging markets, global strategy, corporate strategy, and the theory of the firm. Liang was awarded the AOM IM Division Emerging Scholar. He is Deputy Editor at Management and Organization Review, Senior Editor at International Business Review, Consulting Editor at Journal of International Management and Business & Society, Guest Editor and Best Reviewer at Journal of International Business Studies