Call for Applications|“Phenomenon-based Theorizing in Chinese Management Research” — A Ph.D. Course

Call for Applications
“Phenomenon-based Theorizing in Chinese Management Research” — A Ph.D. Course
Supported by IACMR and MOR
We are excited to announce the launch of this doctoral seminar on conducting Chinese management research, We are excited to announce the launch of this doctoral seminar on conducting Chinese management research, taught by 11 distinguished scholars to provide you with the knowledge and skills needed in conducting ground-breaking, insightful, and meaningful research grounded in the Chinese context, which will also make significant contributions to the broad management literature in general. This class is free of charge to paying members who have completed their first year of Ph.D. studies. This class also has limited capacity so we encourage you to apply as soon as possible.
Course Purpose
In the past four decades, Chinese firms have achieved tremendous success in advancing the economy and gaining respect globally. However, the development of Chinese management theory lags managerial practices. Recognizing this gap, the editorial team of Management and Organization Review, led by Editor-in-chief Prof. Xiao-Ping Chen, prepared this doctoral-level course to encourage phenomenon-based theorizing in conducting scientific work on organizations and management in the Chinese context. By promoting phenomenon-based theorizing, the management community has the potential to generate new insights, understand complex and dynamic organizational phenomena, and develop more contextually relevant management theories.
The purpose of this course is to train doctoral students to be good at conducting high-quality management research about/in China. To serve this purpose, 11 internationally recognized researchers serving in MOR editorial team form the instructor team. The course serves as a call from the editorial team to action for researchers to engage in more phenomenon-based theorizing to advance Chinese management studies. Once you complete the course, an official certificate from IACMR and MOR will be awarded to you.
Course Duration and Format
The course will take 10-month to complete, with one module/topic online session in each month, ended with an offline celebration at Tongji University. The first class will start from September 2024, and the last class will end in June 2025. The course will be delivered as on-line seminars and a ZOOM link will be announced a week before each session.
Applicant Requirements
- The applicant should be students who have completed the first year of research-master studies or students in the second or third year (of a 5-year) PhD program.
- Have taken methodology courses and have strong motivation to conduct high quality management research.
- Proficiency in English, both reading and writing.
- An active member (fee-paying member) of IACMR.
- All participants are required to follow the instructors’ arrangements. No absence during the course is permitted, barring extreme circumstances or emergencies.
- A pledge to (a) complete the course assignment, (b) attend all sessions, and (c) not record and circulate the course discussion without instructors’ or course organizer’s consent.
- There will be no tuition or fee for participants. All instructors are volunteers.
- For the final presentation and social gathering, the host School of Management and Economics, Tongji University, will provide logistic support for all participants.
- Students will be responsible for their own transportation and hotel accommodation. They can apply for special support from Tongji University if needed.
Application Procedure
- Application documents include a copy of applicants’ CV, and a one-page cover letter, in which applicants should state the key reasons for why they want to participate in this course. Also, in the letter, applicants should include a pledge stated in Point 6 of the Applicant Requirements.
- Application must be written in English or in Chinese.
- The course can only accommodate 40 participants. It will be highly competitive. Please prepare your application professionally and carefully.
- Application deadline is June 30, 2024. Applicants should send the application documents to the course email:
- All applications will be reviewed by the organizing committee: Professors Xiao-Ping Chen, Liangding Jia, and Jian Liang.
- The final decision will be made on July 30, 2024. The results will be announced on the IACMR website and all applicants will receive an email notice.
We look forward to your application. For any questions regarding the course, please contact Prof. Jian Liang at .
2024 Course Instructors
(Ordered by course delivery)
1 Xiao-Ping Chen (University of Washington)
2 Amy Ou (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
3 Chenjian Zhang (University of Bath)
4 Jack Chiang (Peking University)
5 Lori Yue (Columbia Business School)
6 Yan Zhang (Peking University)
7 Xu Huang (Hong Kong Baptist University)
8 Cuili Qian (University of Texas at Dallas)
9 Cecilia Gu (Georgia State University)
10 Tian Wei (Fudan University)
11 Kenneth Huang (National University of Singapore)
Tentative Course Schedule
Date | Session | Topic |
Sep.1 | 0 | Introduction |
Sep. 21 | 1 | Self-regulation and individual decision-making |
Oct.19 | 2 | Particularistic ties and interpersonal interaction |
Nov. 9 | 3 | The authoritarianism in Chinese leadership |
Nov. 30 | 4 | State capitalism |
Dec. 21 | 5 | Yin-yang thinking in Chinese organizations |
Feb. 22 | 6 | Family business in China |
March 8 | 7 | Weak institutions in Chinese market |
April 5 | 8 | Political connection and non-market strategy |
April 26 | 9 | International business in emerging markets |
May 17 | 10 | Management innovations, technology, and uniqueness in China |
June 15-16 | 11 | Final presentation and social gathering (hosted by Tongji University) |
Instructor Short-Bio
Dr. Xiao-Ping Chen (PhD, University of Illinois) is Philip M. Condit Endowed Chair and Professor of Management in the Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington. She has served as Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs (2016-2020) and Chair of the Department of Management and Organization (2009-2015) at Foster. She is an elected Fellow in Academy of Management (AOM), American Psychological Association (APA), and Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). Professor Chen is highly involved in Chinese management research and business community. She served as President for International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR). Professor Chen is Editor-in-Chief for Management and Organization Review, the flagship journal of IACMR. She is also the founding editor and current Executive Editor for Management Insights, a bilingual (Chinese and English) magazine for business educators and practitioners. In addition, Professor Chen served as Editor-in-Chief for Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (2010-2016). Professor Chen’s research interests include cooperation and competition in social dilemmas, teamwork and leadership, entrepreneur passion, Chinese guanxi, and cross-cultural communication and management. She is on the list of top 2% most cited scientists in the world. Professor Chen has published many research papers in top-tier journals such as AMR, AMJ, JAP, OBHDP, Management Science, and JPSP. She has published three books in English: What Isn’t Said- Culture and Communication at Work (Springer), Leadership of Chinese Private Enterprises: Insights and Interviews (Palgrave McMillan) and A Journey toward Influential Scholarship: Insights from Leading Management Scholars (Oxford University Press). She also published more than a dozen books in Chinese, among which The Empirical Methods in Organization and Management Research (4th edition, Peking University Press) has been the best seller in China since 2008.
Dr. Jack Chiang (Ph.D. University of Washington) is an Associate Professor in Organizational Behavior at the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. He received his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from the Michael G. Foster School of Business at the University of Washington. His research primarily focuses on leadership and team dynamics within organizations. His significant scholarly contributions include over 50 papers in peer-reviewed journals and at international conferences, featured in top-tier publications like the Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personnel Psychology, and the Journal of Management. Beyond his research endeavors, Dr. Chiang is also deeply engaged in academic service. He serves as the Senior Editor for the Management and Organization Review. In his administrative capacity, Dr. Chiang serves as the Faculty Director for both the Guanghua Global MBA and the Cornell-Peking MMH/MBA Program, demonstrating his commitment to fostering global perspectives and innovative thinking in business education.
Dr. Qian (Cecilia) Gu (Ph.D. National University of Singapore) is an Associate Professor at the Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University. Her research interests lie at the intersection of strategy, international business, and entrepreneurship. Her research advances the understanding of how emerging market firms navigate divergent stakeholder demands and global market dynamics, and the strategic implications on firm performance. She is currently serving as the Associate Editor for Global Strategy Journal and the Senior Editor for Management and Organization Review. Her work has appeared in top journals, including Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of International Business Studies, Organization Science, and Strategic Management Journal. She has won a number of awards for her research and teaching, such as the Poets & Quants Top 40 Under 40 Business School Professor award, John Dunning Fellowship, Top Professor Award, and Faculty Recognition Award.
Dr. Kenneth G. Huang (Ph.D. MIT) is the Dean’s Chair Professor and Associate Professor (with tenure) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) in the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management (ISEM) and Department of Strategy and Policy, NUS Business School. He is the Academic Director of the Master of Science (MSc.) in Management of Technology and Innovation at NUS. He is the Senior Editor of Management and Organization Review (MOR) and was an Associate Editor/editorial board member of Organization Science (OS) and a Co-editor of Journal of Management Studies (JMS) (both for special Issues). He also currently serves on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Journal (AMJ), Strategic Management Journal (SMJ), Organization Science (OS), and Technological Forecasting and Social Change (TFSC). His research focuses on innovation and technology management (e.g., AI, biotech, environment, IT), intellectual property management and strategy, entrepreneurship, digital and global strategy, science and technology policy, and institutional change particularly in emerging economies such as China and ASEAN. His research is influential and has been published in high-impact, leading journals such as Science, AMJ, SMJ, OS, Journal of Management, Journal of International Business Studies, Research Policy, Nature Biotechnology, PNAS, MOR, JMS, TFSC and Industrial and Corporate Change. His research has also been recognized by several international research and best paper awards from the Academy of Management (AOM), Strategic Management Society (SMS), DRUID, Academy of International Business (AIB) and INFORMS. His work and commentaries have been frequently featured in leading national and international media outlets. He is also an award-winning educator at NUS.
Dr. Xu Huang (Ph.D. University of Groningen) is Chair Professor of Management, Associate Dean of the School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University. He is also the Director of the DBA program and the Director of Center for Human Resource Strategy and Development. He is Consulting Editor of the Management and Organization Review, and a member of editorial board for Academy of Management Journal and Human Relations. Professor Huang is now serving as an Independent Director of the board of Giodano International Limited. Professor Huang’s research interests include leadership, power, proactive and abnormal work behaviors, employee well-being, cross-cultural psychology, and management issues in China. He has published more than 80 papers in international journals including Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organization Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, Management and Organization Review, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology, Human Relations, Leadership Quarterly, and so forth.
Dr Amy Ou (Ph.D. Arizona State University) is an associate professor at the department of management and marketing in Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She is an Associate Editor at Journal of Management and a senior editor at Management and Organization Review. Her research area includes strategic leadership (particularly CEO humility), organizational culture, women leadership and career development, and cross-cultural management. Her papers have been published in Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Journal of Management. Her research has won the Alvah H. Chapman Jr. Outstanding Dissertation Award and best paper awards at the Academy of Management conference, the Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, and Journal of Management. Her research on CEO humility has been featured in Forbes China, USA Today, and The Business Times.
Dr. Cuili Qian (Ph.D. HKUST) is a Professor of Organizations, Strategy, and International Management at University of Texas at Dallas. Her research interests include stakeholder management and corporate social responsibility, corporate governance, MNC control and staffing issues in international business. She has published in management journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, and Journal of Management. She currently serves as the Senior Editor of the Journal of Management and Deputy Editor for the Management and Organization Review. She also serves on editorial boards of Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, and Journal of International Business Studies.
Dr. Tian Wei (Ph. D. University of Cambridge) is Professor and Vice Department Chair in School of Management, Fudan University in China. Her research interests cover digital globalization, cross-border acquisitions and qualitative research methods. She has published in leading management journals, including Journal of Management Studies, British Journal of Management, Management and Organization Review, and International Business Review. She serves as an Editor-in-Chief for Asian Case Research Journal, and a Deputy Editor for Management and Organization Review. She also serves as a Track Co-chair in Research methods and theorizing of Academy of International Business 2024 Annual Meeting (Seoul). She is in the panel of experts in developing the criteria and guidance of qualitative research for China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC).
Dr. Qingyuan (Lori) Yue (Ph.D. Columbia University) is a tenured associate professor at the Management Division in Columbia Business School. Her research focuses on the relationship between business and society, especially regarding how organizations respond to contentious social environments and regulation uncertainty. She has published papers on industry self-regulation, business collective action, business responses to social movement, and corporate political strategies. Her recent research studies how firms, especially nascent industries that develop from technological innovations, adopt political strategies to shape regulation, and how firms respond to the grand challenges in the global context and also exert their own influences. One of her recent papers develops a computational measure of rhetorical nationalism at the firm level. Her research has been published in leading peer-reviewed scholarly journals. Her recent research awards include the Responsible Research in Business & Management (RRBM) Award in 2020 and the Rigor in Research Award by the Strategic Management Society in 2020. She was formerly an associate editor of Management Science, a consulting editor for the American Journal of Sociology, and the Chair of the Organizational Management and Theory Research Committee of the Academy of Management. Lori has taught undergrad, MBA, EMBA, and PhD level courses and won both teaching and research awards.
Dr. Chenjian Zhang (Ph.D. University of Bremen) is currently an Associate Professor at the School of Management, University of Bath, UK. He was a visiting scholar at Stanford University. His research interests include social networks, entrepreneurship and innovation, emerging market strategies, and institutional theory. His papers have been published in academic journals including the Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Management and Organization Review, and Asia Pacific Journal of Management. His articles have won the Best International Paper Award and the Best Paper Award from the Organization and Management Theory (OMT) division of the Academy of Management. He is currently a Senior Editor for Management and Organization Review and serves on the editorial board of Strategic Organization. He received the Best Senior Editor Award from Management and Organization Review in 2023. He initiated the Professional Development Workshop “Accessing and Publishing with Chinese Data: Researching Chinese Organizations in Uncertain Times” at the Academy of Management (AoM) annual meeting, showcasing his interest in conducting management research in the Chinese context. He looks forward to engaging in-depth discussions with doctoral students about theorizing research ad contributions in the Chinese context.
Dr. Yan Zhang (Ph.D. Peking University) is an associate professor with tenure in School of Psychological and cognitive Sciences, Peking University. She has published more than 20 papers in Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Leadership Quarterly, Management and Organizational Review, and other prestigious journals. Her research interests include paradox management, creativity, leadership, and cross-cultural management.