追求卓越 • 灵感之源 • 学术责任• 奉献精神



时间  2023年6月18日

地点  香港浸会大学校内



List of PDW

Title:  Applications of Meta-Analysis in Management and Organization Research
Time: 9:00-12:00, June 18
Description: Due to the increasing importance of meta-analysis in management and organization research, this workshop is intended to introduce the main features of meta-analysis and the basic procedures of conducting a meta-analytic project. After attending this workshop, the participants are expected to achieve the following goals.

Learning goals:
1) Understand the value of meta-analysis in management and organization research
2) Know the basic procedures of conducting a meta-analytic review
3) Get familiar with the general statistical principles and models of meta-analysis
4) Know how to examine moderation and mediation models in meta-analysis
5) Learn how to combine meta-analysis with other research designs in a research project

In achieving these learning goals, our panelists will first cover several topics aimed at applying meta-analysis to management and organization research (e.g., the features of meta-analysis, topic selection, statistical principles and methods, moderation and mediation tests, and combination of meta-analysis and other research designs). We will then conclude with roundtable discussions to all participants to ask more specific questions on topics of interest to them.

Kaifeng Jiang, The Ohio State University

· Kaifeng Jiang, The Ohio State University
· Jason Lei Huang, Michigan State University;
· Songqi Liu, Georgia State University;
· Jia Yu, University of Nebraska-Lincoln;
· Yucheng Zhang, Hebei University of Technology;
· Helen Hailin Zhao, The University of Hong Kong

Application Requirements
The workshop targets at student and faculty members of IACMR who are interested in learning how to apply meta-analysis to management and organization research. Participants are expected to have basic statistical background (e.g., know the meanings of mean, standard deviation, and confidence intervals) and be familiar with Microsoft Excel and SPSS software.

No. of Admissions: 60-70


Time: 9:00-11:00, June 18

Description:JIBS is the leading journal on international business research, and a journal of the Academy of International Business (AIB). More information on the journal and AIB is available at: https://www.aib.world/publications/journal-of-international-business-studies/embed/#?secret=MB8gaUQle5#?secret=MCqh1IVrXg

Goal: The goal of the PDW is to provide scholars with developmental feedback on their current research projects in international business. Authors will be paired with senior international business scholars for discussions on their papers (in-person or online). The PDW is open to all scholars but preference will be given to doctoral students and early career academics. While we hope that many of these papers will eventually be submitted to JIBS, the purpose of the PDW is more generally to improve the quality of international business research by providing quality feedback, and to bring new scholars into the international business field.

Language: English

Rosalie L. Tung, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of International Business Studies; 
Ming and Stella Wong Professor of International Business, Professor of International Business, Simon Fraser University.
Dan Li, Area Editor, Journal of International Business Studies; 
L. Leslie Waters Chair in International Business, Professor of International Business, Indiana University.

Target Participants: The PDW is open to all scholars but preference will be given to doctoral students and early career academics.

Application Requirements: Prospective participants in the 2023 JIBS PDW are invited to submit their manuscripts to  lid@indiana.edu with the subject “Submission for JIBS PDW at IACMR” by March 20, 2023. Each participant may submit only one manuscript to the PDW but may submit the same version of the paper to another track for presentation at the conference. The manuscript must be in English, and at a completed draft stage so that the author(s) can benefit from constructive discussion and critique from select members of the JIBS editorial team. The paper submitted for consideration must not have been published elsewhere. Papers must be less than 10,000 words in length. The cover page of the manuscript should include all authors’ names, e-mails, and affiliations.

Submission/Registration deadline: April 28, 2023

More detailed informationJIBS PDW @ 2023 IACMR CONFERENCE

Title:  It Takes a Village: Creating a Supportive Community for Junior Women Faculty

Time: 9:00- 11:00, June 18

Description: Despite their increased presence in academia, women scholars experience double challenges as they navigate the complexities of pregnancy, motherhood, and child caregiving alongside meeting work demands pertaining tenure and promotion (Gabriel et al., 2022). This workshop provides a developmental forum in the IACMR community for junior women faculty to interact with peers and senior colleagues about how to survive and thrive in their academic careers while maintaining a balance between work and life. This PDW is open to all IACMR junior faculty members (both women and men) before receiving tenure. The PDW includes a combination of speaker presentations, questions & answers sections, roundtable discussions, as well as the opportunity to network with peers and leading global faculty alike. Through this PDW, we hope to offer emotional and cognitive resources to junior women academics, to raise broader awareness of the unique challenges women academics face, and to nurture a climate of care, support, and confidence in the IACMR community.

Language: English/Chinese.

Jia (Jasmine) Hu, The Ohio State University
Yi (Amy) Ou, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Xiao-Ping Chen, University of Washington
Yan Anthea Zhang, Rice University
Xuhong Li, Fudan University
Fuli Li, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Wu Liu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Application Requirements:This PDW is open to all IACMR junior faculty members (both women and men) before receiving tenure.

More detailed informationPDW CFP | Creating Supportive Community for Women Junior Faculty


Time: 9:00-13:00, June 18

Description:The macro-track junior faculty consortium provides an intimate forum for interacting with senior colleagues and peers, enabling junior faculty members to prosper in their academic careers. More specifically, this consortium is designed to help junior faculty members:

(1) Develop research projects for publication. Two seasoned scholars in each participant’s area will provide one-on-one feedback on the participant’s research project. Participants will also receive feedback from peers during roundtable discussions.
(2) Explore strategies for growth and impact as a scholar and teacher. To this end, a distinguished panel of established scholars will share their insights with participants in an interactive panel discussion.  
(3) Navigate the early years of a successful faculty career in diverse institutional settings. Leaders of our major professional organizations from a diverse set of institutions will share their experiences/challenges as a junior faculty and talk about coping strategies in a dynamic panel discussion.
(4) Build and develop potentially lifelong professional networks. The consortium provides opportunities for participants to interact with faculty mentors and peers in casual settings such as during breakfast and break time.

Language: English

· Yi Tang, University of Hong Kong;
· Cyndi Man Zhang, Singapore Management University;
· Eric Zhao, University of Oxford

Target Participants: If you hold a faculty position as an Assistant Professor or a comparable rank and your research focuses on Strategy/ Organization Theory/ International Business/ Entrepreneurship, we encourage you to apply. We also invite deans, department chairs, former workshop alumni, and faculty mentors to encourage their junior colleagues to apply

Application Requirements

To apply, please email the following information to Ma Jiawen (jwma.2019@pbs.smu.edu.sg)

1) Your name, email address, telephone number, and institutional affiliation
2) Your academic curriculum vitae, including a brief statement of research interest and a list of academic publications if any.
3) An extended summary of a working paper that you wish to receive feedback on. This summary should be no longer than 3 pages (single-spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman, 1 inch margins all around). You may use additional space for references, tables, and figures.

Submission/Registration deadline: April 21, 2023


Title:  Experimental Design 201: Designing effective scenarios (or Vignettes) in management research

Time: 9:00-11:00, June 18

Description: This PDW will integrate experimental design theory and practice with the aim of providing the audience with practical and hands-on advice. It will take an interactive approach and encourage attendees to interact with the speakers.

At the end of this PDW, participants will:

1. Understand the basic principles and processes of experimental designs;
2. Gain an in-depth understanding of designing an experiment using scenarios (or vignettes); and
3. Understand expectations and insights in publishing experimental research in top ranking management journals

Language: English

Xi Wen (Carys) Chan, Griffith University; 
Shea X. Fan, RMIT University

· David Cheng, The Australia National University;
· Ying-yi Hong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong;
· Riki Takeuchi, The University of Texas at Dallas

Target Participants: This PDW is designed for management researchers who are interested in enhancing their research capabilities, specifically in experimental designs.

More detailed informationPDW@IACMR 2023|Experimental design 201

Title:  Using the Vanderbilt Transformer AI Model for Negotiation Research

Time: 9:00-11:00, June 18

Description: An exciting new approach to Artificial Intelligence (AI) is call transformer models, which can interact with text in various ways.  A team of negotiation scholars and data scientists at Vanderbilt University are developing a model for the study of negotiations and dispute resolution. A description of the project and how data is being collected is available here. This PDW will teach attendees about this model, and how to use it for their own research.

Language: English

Ray Friedman, Vanderbilt University

· Ray Friedman, Vanderbilt University;
· Jeanne Brett, Northwestern University;
· Jesse Spencer-Smith, Vanderbilt Data Science Institute.

Target Participants: It is intended for anyone who is interested in negotiation research and/ or AI research methods.

Title:  如何有效地构建管理学理论?

Time: 9:00-18:00, June 18

Description: 组织本次工作坊旨在与管理学者讨论如何正确地理解什么是理论,当前管理学研究对科学理论的理解和贡献理论的方式存在哪些问题,基于好的理论建构案例深入讨论管理学理论建构需要的心智模式、理论信念和可行的研究策略。通过参加本次工作坊的学习和讨论,有助于明确科学理论的本质特征以及主流管理学研究的理论贡献方式存在的认识误区与策略误区,同时有助于认识构建理论的有效策略和成功经验。

Language: Chinese


· 刘鑫,中国人民大学商学院;
· 罗文豪,北方工业大学;
· 李朋波,北京第二外国语学院;
· 林丛丛,山东大学;
· 杨娜,首都经济贸易大学

Target Participants: 欢迎高年级博士生和中青年学者参加。

Title:  从青年学者到期刊编辑的成长之路

Time: 9:00-12:15, June 18

Description: 在科研人员中,青年学者是最有创新能力和激情的群体。在其科研生涯之初,青年学者主要以作者的身份参与期刊出版。但是,越来越多的青年学者希望以审稿人和编辑的身份深入参与到期刊出版,以更加深入地了解同行评议和编辑流程,第一时间掌握领域最新的研究方向和基金动向,享受与领域顶尖学者沟通交流并肩工作的机会,为将来职业生涯的加速发展提供助力。但是,如何参与,却是一个迷思。借助本次工作坊, Wiley拟邀请旗下期刊的新任中国编委及杰出客座编辑和审稿人,就如何深度参与期刊工作,为青年学者答疑解惑,分享他们的心得和体会。

Language: Chinese

1. 朱晓谦,中国科学院大学经济与管理学院;
2. 郭林娜,开放科学与期刊发展主管,Wiley;
3. 肖青青,期刊出版经理,Wiley

· 朱晓谦,中国科学院大学经济与管理学院
· 李果,北京理工大学
· 符通,江西财经大学

Title:  Entrepreneurship and Social Media

Time: 9:00-11:00, June 18

Description: To discuss current and future research on entrepreneurship and social media, we invited several scholars to present their current and future research on entrepreneurial social media marketing, crowdfunding, and entrepreneurs’ followers on social media. 

Content of the workshop
1. Entrepreneurial social media marketing and entrepreneurial opportunity evaluation (Chen & Ma)
2. Social media and crowdfunding outcomes: A systematic review and future research agenda (Miao & Qian)
3. How do entrepreneurs keep followers on social media? A mixed-methods study (Tang & Ma)

Language: English

Dalong Ma, University of Northern Colorado

· Dalong Ma, University of Northern Colorado
· Huan Chen, University of Florida;
· Chao Miao, Salisbury University;
· Shanshan Qian, College of Business & Economics;
· Robin Tang, University of Northern Colorado

Target Participants: Open to everyone


Time: 9:00-11:00, June 18

Description: China presents an extraordinary but understudied opportunity to theorize and analyze the role of time. Existing research mostly builds on temporal assumptions originated from Western culture, which can hardly explain Chinese management phenomenon. This PDW seeks to direct attention to advance temporal theories and empirical studies focusing on Chinese management, and, more importantly, create Chinese scholar communities who are interested in conducting high-impact research on temporality. Specifically, we invite scholars with diverse backgrounds, including organizational behavior, strategic management, and international business, to share their experiences in conducting temporal research and discuss future directions. We hope this initiative give fresh momentum for scholars to jointly participating in temporal research in the context of Chinese management.

Sali Li, University of South Carolina
Pengxiang Zhang, Peking University

· Sali Li, University of South Carolina
· Christine Chan, University of Hong Kong
· Shi Tang, City University of Hong Kong
· Pengxiang Zhang, Peking University
· Weiguo Zhong, Peking University

Target Participants: All are welcome

Title:  Managing work-life boundary for academics during and beyond the pandemic era

Time: 9:00-11:00, June 18

Description: As many academics have already discovered for themselves, it is increasingly difficult to manage work-life boundaries since the covid -19 pandemic and in this 24-7 connected global world. This has impacts on our physical and mental health and quality of life. By the end of this PDW, participants will:

· be informed by the most up-to-date research findings on the work-life boundary.
· critically review the pros and cons of your boundary management style with peers.
· identify factors that affect your boundaries between work and personal life and link to academics’ well-being.
· Share and learn about boundary management strategies, tactics and techniques.
· Start to take steps to address work-life challenges and to improve your effectiveness at work and life.

This PDW will start by sharing some recent research and lived experiences on the work-life boundary experiences of academics during and after the pandemic. Then participants will be instructed to take an assessment designed to identify their boundary style and its pros and cons. Participants will then be put into groups to share and use the results of this assessment to develop strategies and tactics for effective work-life boundary management. The PDW will be ended with a debrief from the discussions where participants will share the good practices and techniquesof effective work-life boundary management, and critically reflect upon the importance of work-life boundary control for improving productivity and well-being.

Language: English

Mengyi Xu, Cranfield University

· Toyin Adisa, University of East London;
· Wen Wang, University of Leicester; 
· Lu Wang, University of Warwick

Title: Applying the Full Range of Chinese Indigenous Contexts in Management Research: The Sources and Causes of “Globalization in Flux?”

Time: 11:15-13:15, June 18

Description: To expand the landscape of indigenous Chinese management research (ICMR) by taking an institutional lens; To offer new insight in more unique indigenous Chinese contexts from a new theory; To explore root causes of China’s myth in “globalization in flux” from a critical thinking perspective; To derive implications for ICMR research and management practices.

Learning Objectives:
By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to

· Identify sources and causes of flux in the globalization,
· Specify various unique Chinese indigenous contexts beyond the traditional culture that determine management behaviors and practices in China,
· Recognize opportunities and challenges in continued CIMR and theory building,
· Derive at least three important research questions regarding future ICMR inquiries.

Greg G. Wang, The University of Texas at Tyler

· H. Harold Doty, The University of Texas at Tyler;
· Szu-Fang Chuang, Indiana State University;
· Shengbin Yang, Northwestern Polytechnical University

Target Participants: International and Chinese domestic management scholars interested in exploring more research opportunities on indigenous Chinese management research, preferably those with existing publications in ICMR areas

No. of Admissions: No more than 40

Title:  Tackling Massive Meta-Analyses Using an Online Open Science Platform

Time: 11:15-13:15, June 18

Description: HubMeta is a new platform that brings the field more fully into the modern age, using automated and cloud-based processes. HubMeta is an ideal platform to help build large meta-analysis databases and make them publicly available as Open Science resources. Our goal is to inspire people to collaborate and tackle meta-analyses of previous unreachable scope, so hopefully you are thinking big.

Language: English/Chinese

Song Zhaoli, National University of Singapore

· Piers Steel, University of Calgary;
· Jingxian Yao, Tongji University;
· Yanzhe Zhou, Renmin University of China;
· Lou Min, Harbin Institute of Technology

Target Participants: Researchers and students who have some basic understanding of meta-analysis method and want to conduct meta-analysis more efficiently.

Title:  Hybrid learning: the potential and challenges in management education

Time: 11:15-13:15, June 18


After the initial disruptive effect of COVID-19 on higher education when many institutions were forced to go online, ‘hybrid learning’ with simultaneous online and face-to-face delivery has emerged alongside offline (in-person), online and blended learning.

This PDW defines hybrid learning as ‘simultaneous learning delivery to offline and online audiences’, which is distinct from blended learning, in which a planned combination of online and offline learning is delivered to a single audience. Hybrid learning is evolving into a mainstream approach within higher education, especially when learners are affected by lockdowns and travel restrictions, or desire flexibility in location. Therefore, hybrid learning is an important emerging research area from both theoretical and practical perspectives.

This PDW looks at a range of learning activities within management education where hybrid approaches have been introduced. In many ways China is a ‘leading’ country given that there have been periodic lock-downs in parts of the country but not others, as well as the need to provide online education to international students who until recently were unable to travel to China. It shares experience related to ‘classroom’ teaching, experiential learning in collaboration with business, and extra-curricular employability activity. From this, the opportunities and challenges of hybrid learning can be identified, as well as their relevance to Chinese management education

Language: English

Martin Lockett, University of Nottingham Ningbo China; 
Xuan Feng, University of Nottingham Ningbo China

· Lili Gu, University of Nottingham Ningbo China
· Martin Lockett, University of Nottingham Ningbo China
· Xuan Feng, University of Nottingham Ningbo China

Title:  Publishing in high-quality English journals as a non-native English speaker: Dialogues with two leading management journals (BJM and APJM)

Time: 11:15-13:15, June 18

Description: In this PDW, we provide a forum for Chinese management scholars to engage with editors-in-chief and associate editors of two leading management journals (British Journal of Management and Asia Pacific Journal of Management) to learn about workable strategies to tackle the publication challenges. This is a rare and valuable opportunity to have a dialogue between two management journals which target broad areas of management and organizational research, but with a slight difference in geographic orientations. The dialogue will cover emerging challenges, trends, and changes in the publication world. Also, we will provide an opportunity for Chinese management scholars to receive targeted feedback on their research, which will eventually enhance the quality of their papers and promote theoretically and empirically interesting studies on Chinese management related topics.

Language: English

Shuang Ren, British Journal of Management

· Liqun Wei, Editor in chief of Asia Pacific Journal of Management; Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University, HK 
· Shuang Ren, Editor in chief of British Journal of Management; Professor, Queen’s University Belfast
· David Ahlstrom, Consulting editor of Asia Pacific Journal of Management; Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
· Jia Liu, Associate Editor of British Journal of Management; Professor, University of Portmouth 

Target Participants: PhD students, early career researchers and junior faculty members who are at the early stages of seeking to publish in leading English journals.

Application Requirements: The submission needs to be in English, at a completed draft stage, and not published elsewhere. The maximum word length is 6,000, excluding the title page, abstract, references, figures and tables.

Submission/Registration deadline: 30 April

More detailed informationPDW@IACMR 2023| Publishing in High-quality English Journals

Title:  Navigating the Publishing Process at Top Management Journals: A Conversation with Editors, Reviewers, and Productive Scholars

Time: 14:00-16:00, June 18

Description: Acceptance rates at top-tier management journals are typically lower than 10%. The overarching goal of the current professional development workshop is to help demystify the evaluation criteria at top management journals and provide guidance for Chinese management scholars to successfully navigate the review and publishing process. To achieve this goal, a panel of productive management researchers who have served as Editors and/or Editorial Board Members at Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Management and Organization Review will share their perspectives and insights into the publishing process and engage with participants in roundtable discussions to address outstanding questions. Key topics for our panel discussion and learning objectives include the following:

(a) Crafting the “Why?” for our research: Learn to communicate intellectual contribution at various journals
(b) Identifying the main drivers of success: Understand key factors that differentiate manuscripts that receive a “revise and resubmit” decision and those that are rejected
(c) Navigating the review process: Know the dos and don’ts when replying to reviewers and drafting response letters
(d) Avoiding the pitfalls: Highlight common mistakes that authors typically make in submissions and revisions
(e) Thinking beyond the publication process: Create impact with our research, particularly against the backdrop of globalization, technological innovation, and increasing inequalities in the world

Through this workshop, our aims are to facilitate knowledge creation and dissemination, increase visibility of the work of Chinese management scholars in top-tier management journals, and ultimately contribute to the rigor and transparency of research in our field.

Language: English/Chinese

Rong Su, University of Iowa

· Jia (Jasmine) Hu, The Ohio State University;
· Jason L. Huang, Michigan State University;
· Kaifeng Jiang, The Ohio State University;
· Ning Li, Tsinghua University;
· Wendong Li, The Chinese University of Hong Kong;
· Songqi Liu, Georgia State University;
· Heli Wang, Singapore Management University;
· Zhenyu Yuan, University of Illinois Chicago

More detailed informationPDW@IACMR2023| Navigating the Publishing Process at Top Journals


Time: 14:00-18:00, June 18

Description: The Strategy/OT/IB/ENT Doctoral Student Consortium at the IACMR 2023 Conference is designed for macro-track students. The goal of this consortium is to help doctoral students who are broadly interested in strategic management, organization theory, international business, and/or entrepreneurship prepare for the job market and future academic careers. Student participants will use this consortium to learn how to make the most out of their doctoral programs, advance their research, publish their projects, find a job in the academic or professional world, manage early career, and establish professional networks with colleagues who share similar research interests.

To achieve the goals listed above, the consortium will include presentations by a distinguished panel of established scholars, interactive discussion sessions, and a round table paper feedback session. It is designed to allow for high levels of interactions between faculty mentors and students. We have a group of distinguished faculty participants from different career stages, areas of research, and institutions, as listed under the panellists section above.

Language: English

· He Gao, Michigan State University;
· Xiwei Yi, Peking University;

· Eric Zhao, University of Oxford

Application Requirements: Applications should be submitted by the advisors/chairs of the applicants via our online nomination website: https://iacmr2023macropdw.wufoo.com/forms/z1tsw6bl035t8s2/

Please include the following information during submission: 1) contact information of the advisor/chair (name, address, e-mail address, phone numbers, name of affiliated school and university), 2) a confirmation that the student is a member of IACMR, and 3) a confirmation that the student has progressed to the dissertation stage and is either seeking a job in the academia or considering being on the academic job market in the coming year. Please also include in attachments: 4) a one-page biography of the student that includes the student’s contact information, research and teaching interests, and publications and/or working papers; 5) a 3-page (single spaced) manuscript of a representative research project of the student on which she/he would like to receive feedback.

Submission/Registration deadline:  April 21, 2023 


Title:  动荡的全球化背景下乡村经济组织的战略与责任

Time: 14:00-16:00, June 18

Description: 农民专业合作社、农村集体经济组织等乡村经济组织蓬勃发展,是全面推进乡村振兴的重要主体,在拉动农村经济增长、促进农村现代化方面发挥着重要作用,是工商管理研究不可忽视的话题。然而,与传统企业的研究相比,我们当前对乡村经济组织的战略、治理、责任等问题缺乏足够的理解。本工作坊主要目的是增进大家对乡村经济组织的了解,推动乡村经济组织的相关研究,促进中国特色管理理论的创新,并搭建起理论与实践之间的桥梁。

Language: 中文


· 隋宜珂,山东大学;
· 王益民,山东大学;
· 安雯雯,广东工业大学;
· 陈宏辉,中山大学

Title:  Enhancing the Teaching and Learning Experience in Management Science

Time: 14:00-16:00, June 18

Goal of the workshop:

(1)  Sharing innovative teaching method in management science, using simulated programs (Advanced Excel functions, VBA and Python programing ) to enable an interactive, engaging and richness experience in understanding how management science can help solve real world problems.
(2) Sharing innovative teaching administration process, using MS 365 (SharePoint, Forms, Streams, List, etc.) and Power platform (Power BI, Power App, Power Automate and Power Virtual Agents) to enable an easy-to-manage, fully digitalized and automated administration workflows that can optimize productivity of faculties and enhancing the learning experience of students.
(3) Exchanging experience with faculties on using technology in conducting hybrid-teaching (mixing online and offline teaching) and engaging students in online teaching.

Content of the workshop
Actual case studies on using the following technologies/ tools/ platforms to enhance teaching and learning experience in Management Science
(1) Management Science Simulation Programs – Advanced Excel functions, VBA and Python programing
(2) MS 365 automated workflows (SharePoint, Forms, Streams, List, etc.)
(3) Power platform (Power BI, Power App, Power Automate and Power Virtual Agents)

Language: English

Jack WOO, Shenzhen Technology University

· Jack WOO, Shenzhen Technology University

Target Participants: Faculties and Students, preferably those with MS 365 experience. 

Title:  Business Cases Development: When East Meets West

Time: 14:00-17:00, June 18

Description:The workshop focuses on the followings:

· Different approaches for managing class discussion
· Opportunities to use cases for further framing your case and creating an outline and teaching note
· How to create a case teaching plan
· Challenges when writing cases;
· How to effectively manage the data collection and field research process
· Where and how to publish peer reviewed teaching case
· The role of teaching case in developing management theory
· How to develop case database

Language: English

William X. Wei, Algoma University

· Jingqin Su, Dalian University of Technology;
· Jingyue Xu, Renmin University of China;
· Spring Xuewei Liu, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Press;
· Dezhi Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University;
· Michael M. Goldman, University of San Francisco;
· Haibo Hu, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics;
· Eric Wang, Athabasca University;
· Michael Henry, Thompson River University;
· Taohua Ouyang, Beihang University;
· Jianyu Zhang, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics;
· Howard Lin, Ryerson University;
· Xiaohua Yang, University of San Francisco

Target Participants: Participants include junior scholars conducting case research and publish teaching cases


Time: Wednesday, June 14, 2023, 1 pm to 4pm

Description: The goal of the PDW is to provide scholars with developmental feedback on their current research projects on strategic management. Authors will be paired with current and former SMS journal editors and associate editors for discussions on their papers (in-person or online). The PDW is open to all scholars but priority will be given to doctoral students and early career academics. While we hope that many of these papers will eventually be submitted to SMS journals, the primary purpose of the PDW is to help strategy scholars to improve the quality of their papers by providing constructive feedback, and to bring new scholars into the strategic management field.

Prospective participants in the 2023 SMS PDW are invited to submit their manuscripts to sms@strategicmanagement.net with the subject “Submission for SMS PDW at IACMR” by April 30, 2023. Each participant may submit only one manuscript to the PDW. Priority will be given to papers that have been accepted for presentation at the IACMR Conference. The manuscript must be in English, and at a completed draft stage so that the author(s) can benefit from constructive discussion and critique from select members of the SMS editor team. The paper submitted for consideration must not have been published elsewhere. Papers must be less than 10,000 words in length. The cover page of the manuscript should include all authors’ names, e-mails, and affiliations.

Manuscripts will be selected based on the quality of the submissions and their fit with the SMS journals. Authors will be notified about the acceptance of their submissions by May 12, 2023. Participants will need to confirm their participation by May 19, 2023, and will then be invited to submit a revised manuscript (i.e., the version to be discussed at the PDW) by June 1, 2023. Participants must be registered for the IACMR conference before they confirm their attendance at the SMS PDW.

Language: English

Yan Anthea Zhang, Rice University 

Sam Garg, ESSEC Business School, Singapore, Associate editor of Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. 
Dan Li, Indiana University, Former associate editor of Global Strategy Journal
J.T. Li, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Former associate editor of Strategic Management Journal
Yong Li, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Co-editor of Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Jiao Luo, University of Minnesota, Associate editor of Strategic Management Journal
Yan Anthea Zhang, Rice University, Former associate editor of Strategic Management Journal 
Eric Zhao, Indiana University, Associate editor of Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal

More detailed informationPDW@IACMR 2023 | SMS PAPER DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP