
Anne Tsui (徐淑英), The University of Notre Dame and Peking University
Founding President
ANNE S. TSUI, Founding President of IACMR, currently Special Advisor and Co-treasurer of the Association, is Distinguished Adjunct Professor at the University of Notre Dame since fall 2014, Motorola Professor Emerita of International Management at Arizona State University, and concurrently Visiting Distinguished Professor at Peking University and Fudan University, China. Previously, she was faculty at Duke University, U California, Irvine, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She is the 67th President and Fellow of the Academy of Management (AOM), 14th Editor the Academy of Management Journal, Founding President of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) and Founding Editor-in-Chief of Management and Organization Review. She is also an elected fellow of the Academy of International Business. She won best paper awards from AMJ, ASQ, and JOM, received the Center for Creative Leadership Applied Leadership Research Award, the University of Minnesota Outstanding (Alumnus) Achievement Award, the AOM Distinguished Service Contribution Award, and the IACMR Lifetime Contribution Award. In recent years, she has devoted her professional work to advancing both the quality and the relevance of international and Chinese management research. She is the co-founder of the Responsible Research in Business and Management network (www.RRBM.network). Dr. Tsui received her BA in Psychology from the University of Minnesota, Duluth; MA in Industrial Relations from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; PhD in Management from the University of California, Los Angeles, and an Honorary Doctorate in Economics from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.

Ray Friedman, Vanderbilt University
Past President
Raymond A. Friedman is the Brownlee O. Currey Professor of Management at the Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University. He received his Ph.D. from University of Chicago (1987) and his B.A. from Yale University (1980). Prior to Owen, he was an assistant professor at Harvard Business School and was a faculty member of Harvard’s Program on Negotiation. Professor Friedman’s research interests include negotiation, dispute resolution, the management of diversity, and cross-cultural differences between Chinese and American managers. In the early part of his career, Professor Friedman focused on labor negotiations, with a special focus on the role that team dynamics affect negotiation strategies, and efforts to change labor negotiation through training in mutual gains bargaining. Professor Friedman then shifted his attention to race and gender in organizations, looking at how race affects perceptions of justice, and the structure and dynamics of minority employee network. More recently, he has studied Chinese-American differences in approach to dispute resolution (including negotiation, arbitration, and conflict management) as well as the effects of Guanxi, behavioral integrity, and particularism in Asian culture. His work has been published in ASQ, AMJ, JAP, OBHDP, Human Relations, Industrial Relations, HBR, JESP, MOR, JPSP, JIBS, and other journals. Professor Friedman has served as Chair of the Conflict Management Division of the Academy of Management, and as president of the International Association for Conflict Management. He organized and ran IACMR’s 2006 conference in Montreal, Canada. At Vanderbilt, he has been the area coordinator for Organization Studies since 1995, and served as Associate Dean for Faculty from 2010 to 2013. Professor Friedman has taught Organizational Behavior, Negotiation, Labor and Employee Relations, Doing Business in China, and Leading Teams and Organizations, and has received the Deans Award for Teaching Excellence at Owen. For six years he led a yearly project trip to China for MBA students.

Zhi-Xue Zhang (张志学), Peking University
Zhi-Xue Zhang is a professor of Organization and Strategic Management, the director of Center for Research in Behavioral Science, and the director of Management Innovation Interdisciplinary Research Platform at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. He received his Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of Hong Kong. He was a research fellow at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1997-2000, a visiting scholar at Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University in 2001-2002, a Freeman Fellow at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2006-2007, a visiting professor at the Stockholm University in 2011-2013, and an adjunct professor in the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Hong Kong in 2017-2019. In 2009, the National Science Foundation of China named him a Distinguished Young Scholar. He is currently the President of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR). Professor Zhang’s research interests include Chinese leadership, team process, negotiation and conflict management, and cross-cultural management. He has published more than 100 research papers in local and international journals, including Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of International Business Studies, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personnel Psychology, Management and Organization Review, Management World (in Chinese), and Acta Psychologica Sinica (in Chinese). He has also published over 40 articles at journals for practitioners such as Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Business Review. He currently serves on the editorial board at Negotiation and Conflict Management Research (2008- ) and Business and Management Journal (2018- ). He had been a senior editor of Management and Organization Review (2011-2021), the associate editor of Asian Journal of Social Psychology (2015-2016), and on the editorial board of Acta Psychologica Sinca(2006-2017). At Peking University, he has taught courses for Undergraduate, Ph.D., MBA, Executive MBA, and Executive Development programs.

Runtian Jing (井润田), Shanghai Jiao Tong University
President Elect
Runtian Jing is a professor of organizational management in the Antai College of Economics and Management of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and the deputy director of the organization and strategy division of Chinese Academy of Management. He received his Ph.D. from the Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1997, and taught at the School of Management and Economics of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China before his present appointment. He was granted the “Outstanding Young Scholar Award” by the Chinese Academy of Management in 2013, and the “Yangtze River Scholarship Distinguished Professor” by the Ministry of Education of China in 2020. Dr. Jing’s research interests include organizational change, leadership behavior, cross-cultural management, etc. His recent studies on Chinese indigenous view of organizational momentum were granted the 2016 Best Paper Award of “Chinese Theory of Management” by IACMR, and were included in the 2017 Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management Conference. He has worked on several funded research projects. Among them, five were supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (including a key research project) and one was supported by the Program of the Ministry of Education for New Century Excellent Talents of China.

Wei Shen (沈伟), Arizona State University
Vice President and Program Chair for IACMR 2023 Conference
Wei Shen is a Full Professor and Associate Dean for China Programs at the W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in psychology from Peking University and Ph.D. in Business Administration from Texas A&M University. He is a core faculty member in both W. P. Carey’s highly ranked full-time MBA program and the joint Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program with the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance. He also serves as the Director of W. P. Carey’s China EMBA Program and DBA Program.
Taking a behavioral approach, his research focuses on strategic decision-makers and their impacts on organizations. He has published many empirical studies about top executives and corporate directors in the top-tier management journals, such as the Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, and Strategic Management Journal. He has also published several theoretical articles in the Academy of Management Review that explore the evolution of the CEO-board relationship, managerial discretion, and the impact of leader departure on subordinates’ organizational attachment.
He has reviewed for many scholarly journals and conferences, and has served on the editorial board of the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management and Governance, Management and Organization Review, and Strategic Management Journal. He is an Area Editor of Corporate Governance in the Chinese Quarterly Journal of Management. He also served as an editor and an author of the newly published Empirical Methods in Organization and Management Research (3rd Edition).

Lerong He (何乐融), The College at Brockport, State University of New York
Treasurer/Executive Secretary
Lerong He is a Professor of Management and Interim Associate Dean of the School of Business & Management at State University of New York at Brockport. She is also a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Fuzhou University, China. Dr. He received her PhD in Management from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. She obtained her M.A. degree in Industrial Relation and Human Resource Management from University of Minnesota, and her B.S. degree in Business Administration from Peking University. Dr. He’s main research interests are corporate governance, strategic leadership, and business ethics. Her recent research focus is to study these topics in the emerging market context particularly China. Dr. He’s research has been published in Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Corporate Finance, Management and Organization Review, etc. Her research has won several conference best paper awards and has been highlighted in Barron’s and Bloomberg News Asia. Dr. He currently serves as the co-editor of Management Research Review. She also serves on the editorial board of Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Corporate Governance: An International Review and as an ad hoc peer reviewer for dozens of management, finance, and accounting journals. Dr. He was the 2014 Taiwan Fellowship recipient. She obtained the Fujian 100 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Grant in 2015. She also won the 2020 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship.

Lori Qingyuan Yue (岳庆媛), Columbia University
Rep-at-large: Americas
Lori Qingyuan Yue is a tenured associate professor at the Columbia Business School. Her research investigates how cooperation and contention between social groups affect market norms and order, and she has published papers on how businesses organize collective action and how they interact with social movement in markets. Her recent research investigates emerging economies and regulations of nascent industries. Lori is an associate editor of Management Science. She also served as a consulting editor of the American Journal of Sociology and the Research Committee Chair of the Organization and Management Theory (OMT) Division of the Academy of Management. She obtained her B.A. from Renmin University of China, M.A. from Peking University, and Ph.D. from Columbia University. She previously worked for the USC Marshall School of Business.

Wu Liu (刘武), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Rep-at-large: Asia Pacific
LIU Wu is associate professor with tenure at the Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He obtained his bachelor’ and master’s degrees at the School of Management in Fudan University, China, and then his Ph.D. in organization studies at Vanderbilt University, U.S.A. He joined Hong Kong PolyU in 2008.
Wu has been enthusiastic in academic research in the OBHR area, high-quality teaching, and community services. His passion of research is on employee voice behavior, leadership and team, and cross-cultural conflict management. His work has been published at various top-tier journals, such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Leadership Quarterly. He was one of the Emerald Citation of Excellence Winners in 2015, and he received the Best Conference Paper Award from International Association for Chinese Management and Research (IACMR) in 2006 and 2014.
He teaches courses such as Organizational Behavior, Leadership, Business Negotiation, and Research Methodology at undergraduate, master, and postgraduate levels. He co-edited special issue of Journal of Organizational Behavior on proactive behaviors, which was published in January, 2019; and he is currently serving as senior editor of Management and Organization Review. He is the Ph.D. Program Director of his department, taking care of 20 plus students.

Zhijun Chen (陈志俊),Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Rep-at-large: Mainland China
Zhijun Chen is the Head of the Department of Human Resources Management at College of Business at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) and a professor of the department. Before joining in SUFE in 2017, Zhijun has worked at the Business School of the University of Western Australia (UWA) from 2014 to 2017. Zhijun is interested in studying employee proactive behavior, coworker influence, and different forms of leadership styles. His work has been published at the Journal of Applied Psychology, Organization Science, Personnel Psychology, and Journal of Organizational Behavior. He also sits in the editorial review board of internationally leading journals such as Human Relations, Asian Pacific Journal of Management, and Journal of Business Research.

Hinrich Voss, HEC Montreal, Canada
Rep-at-large: Europe
Hinrich Voss is a Professor of International Business at HEC Montreal, Canada. His research investigates the interactions and dependencies between MNEs and institutions and focuses on emerging markets. His research on Chinese outward FDI and Chinese MNEs has been published in journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, Journal of Economic Geography, and International Business Review and been awarded the JIBS Decade award 2017. He is Associate Editor of UNCTAD’s Transnational Corporations Journal and in-coming Senior Editor of Management and Organization Review. Hinrich is part of an Erasmus+ funded consortium to develop video case studies for international business.

Danyang Zhu (朱丹阳), Fudan University
Ph.D. Student Representative for China
Danyang Zhu is a Ph.D. candidate in the Business Administration department at the School of Management, Fudan University. She acquired her B.A. in management from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2015. Danyang’s research focuses on social and psychological aspects of strategic management. One stream of her research examines how corporate executive’s personal characteristics can be manifested in corporate strategic decisions. Another stream of her research examines gender difference of leaders on strategic decision making and investor reactions. Danyang has been an active member of the IACMR since 2018, and has been involved in writing “Responsible Research in Management”, which was the product of hard work of many IACMR members. She also helped to rewrite articles for Management Insights. Danyang was granted the Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund in 2019. She also presented her paper in 2018 Annual meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB).

Kaixian Mao (毛凯贤), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Ph.D. Student Representative for Overseas
Kaixian Mao is a Ph.D. candidate at Department of Management at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He is interested in research areas including non-market strategy, business ethics, and innovation and entrepreneurship in the Chinese context. He holds a master’s degree from Renmin University of China and a bachelor’s degree from East China Normal University. He has several papers accepted by conference meetings of AOM, SMS and IACMR.