本次大会我们将Cisco WebEx会议软件
What do you need to prepare before attending the conference?
- A PC (Windows 7 or higher, Mac 10.13 or higher) with a browser (recommend Chrome, safari, Edge, IE), although it might be working on mobile devices, we strongly recommend you to attend the conference through a PC.
- Download and install WebEx on your PC. https://ktymeeting.webex.com/webappng/sites/ktymeeting/dashboard/download
NOW, inter into the conference!
If you have registered for the conference, please click the page http://www.meet2ex.com, Click Login at the right corner. Both username and password are the email address you registered for the conference, for example:
Username: test@gmail.com
Password: test@gmail.com(Reminder: it’s your email address, not your email password)
Please don’t borrow or share your username and password to other people, one account can only log in one device, if a second device tries to log in, the previous device will be disconnected at once.

- Your browser might remind “not safe”, please allow the meeting webpage if it happens, then join the meeting. (this screen shot is from Safari browser)

Choose an ongoing meeting you prefer to join, click Join meeting.

If you are not a presenter, please keep yourself muted during the conference, unless the chair of the session allows the participants unmuting for Q&As.
1. 登录不上,系统提示“用户名或密码错误”
原因1: 没有注册IACMR会议,或者没有成功付费,系统数据里没有您的注册账号,此种情况请您点击注册交费,并将注册账号告诉赵晓老师:iacmrmembership@pku.edu.cn
2. 加入会议时,网页闪退或提示网络连接失败
办法2: 拨打科天云客服电话:400 058 3528,相信专业的客服人员能够更快速、专业地帮您查找出问题。