2021年IACMR双年会于北京时间6月18日8:30召开学会主席演讲、答谢及颁奖典礼(Appreciation, Awards and Presidential Speech)。本次会议由2021年IACMR大会主席井润田教授主持,IACMR主席Ray Friedman教授、本次获奖人和评审人以及部分IACMR会员等出席了本次线上会议。

其次,井润田教授宣读了本届IACMR杰出学术贡献奖(Distinguished Scholarly Award)、《组织管理研究》/北大出版社“中国管理理论”最佳论文奖(MOR/PUP Best Paper Award of Chinese Theory of Management)、IACMR 2021最佳大会论文奖(Conference Best Paper Awards)、“梁觉博士论文资助纪念基金”2021奖项(Kwok Leung Dissertation Award)、IACMR-GSJ全球战略研究最佳论文奖(IACMR-GSJ Global Strategy Best Paper Award)、2021年会议论文最佳审稿(Best Reviewers of 2021 Conference Papers)等6大奖项获奖名单。

Conference Best Paper Awards
I. Conference Theme Best Paper Award
The Conference Theme Best Paper Award is an award recognizing a paper that best captures the theme of 2021 Conference “Cultivate Entrepreneurship in China”.
Converging Tides Lift All Boats: The Impact of Consensus in Evaluation Criteria on Investments in an Emerging Technology Field
Xirong Shen, Cornell University;
Huisi (Jessica) Li, Georgia Institute of Technology ;
Pamela Tolbert, Cornell University
Entrepreneur’s Face influences the Evaluation of a New Venture
Luhua Wang, University of New South Wales;
Christopher Jackson, University of New South Wales
How Does Entrepreneurs’ Empathy Affect Firm Performance: An Entrepreneurial Orientation Perspective
Siyao Lyu, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Wenhong Zhao, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Te Yang, Xi’an Jiaotong University
II. Best Conference Macro Paper Award
This award is given to a paper that deals with organizational level issues including strategy, structure, international management, multinational corporations, organizational growth and development, firm-environment relationships, or firm performance, etc.
Conational Agglomeration and Location Choice of MNEs in an Emerging Market
Peng Zhang, Simon Fraser University;
Jing Li, Simon Fraser University;
Yong Li, University of Nevada, Las Vegas ;
Gwon Sunhwan, Korea University
Organizational Spatial Momentum and Market Entry Choices: Empirical Studies in the Context of Chinese Real Estate Industry
Yunan Zhao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Runtian Jing, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Juncong Guo, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
投资环境视角下中国移动支付企业海外市场进入模式研究 ——以蚂蚁金服进入“一带一路”沿线国家为例
III. Best Conference Micro Paper Award
This award is given to a paper that deals with individual and group level issues within the organizational setting, including topics such as leadership, motivation, conflict, group dynamics, individual attitudes and performance, as well as cross-cultural issues at the individual or group levels, etc.
My Boss is Younger, Less Educated, and Has a Shorter Tenure: Status (In)congruence and Supervisor Competence Influence Subordinates’ Fairness Perceptions and Work Motivation
Huisi (Jessica) Li, Georgia Institute of Technology ;
Xiaoyu Wang, Tongji University;
Michele Williams, University of Iowa;
Ya-Ru Chen, Cornell University;
Joel Brockner, Columbia University
Inclusive Leadership and Group Voice Behavior: The Moderating Role of Group Faultlines
Hui Chen, Xi’an Jiaotong University;
Qiaozhuan Liang, Xi’an Jiaotong University;
Yue Zhang, Xi’an Jiaotong University;
Chao Feng, Xi’an Jiaotong University
IV. Best Student Paper Award
This award is given to a paper written by a student who is the sole author of the paper, or the first author of the paper is a student. Any topic is appropriate as long as the paper shows rigor in conceptualization and methods and contributes to new knowledge.
Red Heart to the Party? CEO Oversea Education Experience and Corporate Response to the Belt and Road Initiative
Yishu Cai, City University of Hong Kong;
Peng Wang, BNU-HKBU United International College
TMT Transactive Memory System, Strategic Orientation, and Business Model Design
Yu Chen, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Does Leader Humor Work in the Chinese Context? A Test Based on AET Model
Ping Jiang, Renmin University of China;
Jinzhao Qu, Renmin University of China
Kwok Leung Dissertation Award
Art on Demand: Managing the Moral Tension between Art and Commerce in the Porcelain Capital of China
Siyin Chen (陈思吟), University of Toronto
Toward a New Retail Ecosystem: Could Digital Innovation Disrupt Pre-existing Social Capital
Tong He (贺童), University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Pei Liu (刘培), Jinan University
Geography in the Making of Culture and Corporate Strategy
Kunyuan Qiao (乔坤元), Cornell University
When and How Follower Unethical Behaviors Lead to Ethical Leadership: A Social Identity Analysis
Shuxia Zhang (张淑霞), Ohio State University
IACMR-GSJ Global Strategy Best Paper Award
When Experience Eclipses Dependence: Host Country Experience, International Joint Venture Dissolution, and the Moderating Role of Host Country Institutions
Peng Wang, BNU-HKBU United International College
Bin Liu, Xiamen University
Shige Makino, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
How Do Foreign Entrepreneurs’ Network Structures Influence Venture Performance in an Emerging Market? The Role of Social Network Diversity
Ali Ahmad Bodla, Tongji University;
Awan Sajid, The University of Lahore;
Kaili Zhang, East China University of Science and Technology
Red Heart to the Party? CEO Oversea Education Experience and Corporate Response to the Belt and Road Initiative
Yishu Cai, City University of Hong Kong;
Peng Wang, BNU-HKBU United International College
Conational Agglomeration and Location Choice of MNEs in an Emerging Market
Peng Zhang, Simon Fraser University;
Jing Li, Simon Fraser University;
Yong Li,University of Nevada, Las Vegas;
Gwon Sunhwan, Korea University
Best Reviewers of 2021 Conference Papers
1. Gang Chao (晁罡), South China University of Technology
2. Shuangying Chen (陈爽英), University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
3. Wenting Chen (陈文婷), Dongbei University of Finance and Economics
4. Yifei Du (杜义飞), University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
5. Zhiyu Feng (冯志玉), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
6. Yanjun Guan (管延军), Durham University
7. Bin Guo (郭斌), Zhejiang University
8. Yi Han (韩翼), Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
9. Ching Chi Ho (何靜芝), Arizona State University
10. Nan Hou (侯楠), Peking University
11. Dongdong Huang (黄冬东), Nanyang Technological University
12. Yingyajia (贾迎亚), Shanghai University
13. Changjun Li (李昌骏), Xi’an Jiaotong University
14. Shuping Li (李淑萍), Hong Kong Polytechnic University
15. Yumeng Miao (苗雨濛), Xidian University
16. Lan Wang (王岚), University of Science and Technology of China
17. Peng Wang (王鹏), BNU-HKBU United International College
18. Jianzu Wu (吴建祖), Lanzhou University
19. Baoguo Xie (谢宝国), Wuhan University of Technology
20. Jie Yang (杨颉), SUNY Polytechnic Institute
21. Jingxian Yao (姚敬先), National University of Singapore
22. Guilan Yu (于桂兰), Jilin University
23. Meng Zhong (钟萌), University of Illinois At Chicago
24. Danyang Zhu (朱丹阳), Fudan University
25. Qi Zhu (朱琦), Hong Kong Polytechnic University
颁奖典礼结束后,IACMR主席Ray Friedman教授做了一场关于学术生活的演讲分享。Ray Friedman教授从他的大学时代讲起,将学术生活分成七个阶段:第一阶段是将学术视为一种引人入胜的生活;第二阶段是热情和引导性问题;第三阶段是培养技能、学习、成长;第四阶段是未来工作的现实考虑;第五阶段是学会教导学生;第六阶段是保持工作;第七阶段是出版/发表。最后,Ray Friedman教授最后从热情、教学等方面强调了持续性投入的重要性。
(鸣谢 IACMR大会撰稿志愿者 邓伟升,云南大学)