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Winners of 2011 IACMR Li Ning Dissertation Proposal Grants

Theme: Context-Sensitive Management Research in China

First Prize Awards Winners
Ting-Ju (Jack) CHIANG
(University of Washington)
Title of Proposal: Control freaks? Authoritarian leaders and their impact on team performance

Jia (Jasmine) Hu (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Title of Proposal: A Team-Level Resource-Based Social Exchange Model: The Antecedents and Consequences of Leader-Team Exchange

Xiaoxiao Hu (George Mason University)
Title of Proposal: Emotionally Exhausted at Work? An Examination of Supervisor-Related Emotional Labor in Chinese Employees

Yuhuan Liu (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)
Title of Proposal: The Heterogeneity of Organizational Responses to Conflicting institutional demands: Evidence from Chinese IPO Firms

Tang Wang (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Title of Proposal: Riding the Dragon: New Venture Initial Public Offering under Market Transition

Second Prize Awards Winners
Tingting Chen
(City University of Hong Kong)
Title of Proposal: A New Model of Authoritarian Leadership: Exploring the Positive and Negative Side of Authoritarianism

Yan Hong (Zhejiang University)
Title of Proposal: Does one bad apple really spoil the whole barrel? Dual-level effects of deviant leadership on team effectiveness and leader’s career success

Jin Chen (National University of Singapore)
Title of Proposal: The Contingent Effects of Inter-organizational Supports On Entrepreneurial Firm IPO Success in China

Ho Kwong Kwan (Drexel University)
Title of Proposal: How far do family supportive supervisor behaviors flow? Test of a trickle-down model

An-Chih (Andrew) Wang (National Taiwan University)
Title of Proposal: Change recipients’ attitudes toward organizational change: a self-determination perspective