
Alike Yet Distinct: The Effect of Language Diversity on Interpersonal Relationships Within National and Multinational Project Teams
Komal Kalra, Mike Szymanski
Expatriates’ Embeddedness and Host Country Withdrawal Intention: A Social Exchange Perspective
Miikka J. Lehtonen, Alexei Koveshnikov, Heidi Wechtler
Relational Distance and Transformative Skills in Fields: Wind Energy Generation in Germany and Japan
Manuel Nicklich, Takahiro Endo, Jörg Sydow
Organizational interactions in fields, including their antecedents and consequences, remain under-researched, in particular with regard to relational distance and transformative skills. Through a comparative study of the German and Japanese wind power sectors, we explore the importance of distance among organizational actors and the development of skills. While in the case of Germany a radical increase in wind energy generation can be witnessed, the situation in the field of Japanese wind power remains largely unchanged. We show how different degrees of distance among organizational actors in these two countries result in the different development of skills that stimulate transformation in the field of energy generation. More precisely, we illustrate the pivotal role of distant challengers with their transformative skills for the successful conversion of already established field structures. Our study contributes to field theory by elaborating on the understanding of the evolution of relational distance, thereby grasping the dynamic interplay between the diversity of actors and their skill formation within a certain strategic action field.
Diversification Experiences and Firm Performance in Knowledge-Intensive Industries: The Moderating Role of Absorptive Capacity
Dhirendra Mani Shukla, Sushil Kumar
Perceived Organizational Support and Performance: Moderated Mediation Model of Psychological Capital and Organizational Justice – Evidence from India
Subhendu Patnaik, Uma Sankar Mishra, Bibhuti Bhusan Mishra
Corporate Political Ties and Firm Performance in a Transition Economy: A Replication and Extension of Peng and Luo (2000)
Hai Guo, Chao Wang, Zeyu Wang, Xiaoyu Li
在转型经济体中,政治关联如何影响企业绩效?这一话题在战略管理领域引起了广泛关注。我们在本文中试图复制一项极具影响力的研究,即“转型经济中的管理层关系与企业绩效:一个‘微观——宏观’关系的本质”(Peng & Luo, 2000)。原研究发现,高管政治关联显著提高了组织绩效,而且这一“微观——宏观”关系因企业所有权性质、所属产业部门、企业规模及所处行业增长率不同而变化。本复制研究通过将政治关联从微观个体层面扩展到组织层面,引入政治关联的多层性观点,并全面检验两个层面的政治关联与企业绩效之间的关系。分阶段的准复制实证结果显示,虽然政治关联对企业绩效的影响机制与原始研究类似,但是这两项研究在关于政治关联效应大小和权变效应上存在关键差异。此外,进一步的拓展研究表明,企业政治关联是多层次的,不同层次的政治关联对企业绩效的作用机制和效应大小也存在显著差异。研究结果揭示了转型经济体中企业政治关联研究的时间和情境敏感性。
Combining Structural and Sequential Ambidexterity: A Configurational Approach Using fsQCA
Xiuxia Sun, Na Rong, Mouxuan Sun, Fangwei Zhu
Taking the Path Less Traveled: How Responsible Leadership Addresses a Grand Challenge in Public Health, a Case Study from China
Zhi-Xue Zhang, Xiwei Yi, Yuntao Dong
This study unpacks how responsible leadership driven by a social mission can accomplish both social objectives and financial goals to support an organization’s survival. We focus on a social enterprise in the healthcare industry in China and examine how it balances its social mission and economic goals by enlarging the capacity of medical institutions and providing high-quality services to a high number of patients. Through our analysis of the case firm, we reveal the motivation and actions of an entrepreneur in establishing a socially responsible firm and the social implications of responsible leadership in operating such an enterprise. We provide an important supplement and extension to the work of Smith and Besharov (2019) by demonstrating how a responsible leader in China manages the process of balancing social and economic goals. We further contribute to the understanding of how a socially responsible firm can improve the healthcare industry and the reform of China’s healthcare.