演讲嘉宾: Jing Zhou (莱斯大学)
演讲题目:Finding Joy in Research
时间:9:00- 10:15 am

Jing Zhou is Mary Gibbs Jones Professor of Management, Organizational Behavior Area Coordinator, Director for Asian Management Research and Education, and Director of Ph.D. Program at the Jones Graduate School of Business of Rice University. She has been elected to Fellow of American Psychological Association, Fellow of Association for Psychological Sciences, and Fellow of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Her research interests center around creativity and innovation. She has built a systematic and high-quality program of research. Her work has achieved high citation counts (e.g., having been cited over 26,000 times per Google Scholar), indicating that her research is highly impactful.
Her research has been published in top journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Personnel Psychology. Scholarly books include Handbook of Organizational Creativity (coedited with Shalley, 2008), The Oxford handbook of creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship (with Shalley & Hitt, 2015), and Handbook of research on creativity and innovation (with Rouse, forthcoming). Professor Zhou has received a number of research awards for her excellence in research. She has received Journal of Management’s Best Paper Award twice (2009, 2019). This Award focuses on the long-term impact of research; it is given to papers that garner an unusually large number of citations five years after their publication.
She has received several awards for her excellence in teaching. Her course Leading Innovation is particularly well-received by executive audiences.
Professor Zhou’s service to profession and leadership in professional associations include:
- Associate editor of Journal of Applied Psychology, a top scholarly journal in the field of management;
- Deputy Editor, Management and Organization Review;
- Editorial board member, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Management, Leadership Quarterly, Management and Organization Review, and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal;
- Chair, Micro Organizational Behavior/Human Resource Management Track of Academy of International Business;
- Vice President and Program Chair, Senior Vice President, and President of IACMR.