追求卓越 • 灵感之源 • 学术责任• 奉献精神








1. 亚太地区最大规模的管理会议

2. 国际层面

3. 主题演讲嘉宾和期刊编辑
每届IACMR会议的独特之处在于我们会邀请8-10位世界级的主题演讲嘉宾。每场主旨演讲都吸引500-800名观众。所有受邀请的主旨演讲嘉宾都是管理研究领域的顶尖学者或顶级管理期刊的编辑,如ASQ、 AMJ、 AMR、 SMJ、OS、JAP等。

4. 论文会议、研讨会、圆桌会议和专业发展工作坊

5. 院校宣传和招聘

6. 院长论坛


Sponsorship Program for the 2023 IACMR International Academic Conference
2023 年IACMR国际学术大会赞助方案

Sponsorship Categories and Corresponding Benefits

Diamond sponsorship- HK$600,000 (around RMB¥531,000, USD $77,000) 
钻石级-港币60万元 (约为人民币¥531,000元, 美金$77,000)

   Title sponsorship of two keynote speeches
 两个主题报告的冠名赞助

   Title sponsorship of two symposiums
 两个专题讨论会的冠名赞助

   Four free quotas for conference participation
 四个免费参加会议的名额

   Free 4-color 2-page ad in conference brochure (if the on-site conference is held as usual)                                    
 会议手册中免费四色的 2 页广告(如现场会议照常进行)

   One free advertisement on the conference APP
 大会APP上免费广告一则

   Logo of the organization is marked on the conference brochure (or conference APP)
 会议手册(或大会APP)上标注单位 logo

   Logo of the organization and related links are marked on the website of the conference
 会议网站上标注单位 logo 及相关链接

   Logo of the organization is marked on the backdrop of conference activities
 会议活动的背景板上标注 logo

   Promotional materials and souvenirs are placed in the information bag (if the on-site conference is held as usual)
 在资料袋中放入相关宣传资料与礼品 (如现场会议照常进行)

   Two tables are served in the placement center 
 招聘中心两张桌子

   Title sponsorship of the large balloon​ (Outdoor Decoration)
 大气球 (户外装饰)的冠名赞助

Platinum sponsorship- HK$500,000 (around RMB¥443,000, USD $64,000) 
白金级-港币50万元 (约为人民币¥443,000元, 美金$64,000)

   Title sponsorship of one keynote speech
 一个主题报告会的冠名赞助

   Title sponsorship of two symposiums
 两个专题讨论会的冠名赞助

   Three free quotas for conference participation
 三个免费参加会议的名额

   Free 4-color 2-page ad in conference brochure (if the on-site conference is held as usual)
 会议手册中免费四色的 2 页广告(如现场会议照常进行)

   One free advertisement on the conference APP
 大会APP上免费广告一则

   Logo of the organization is marked on the conference brochure (or conference APP)
 会议手册(或大会APP)上标注单位 logo

   Logo of the organization and related links are marked on the website of the conference
 会议网站上标注单位 logo 及相关链接

   Logo of the organization is marked on the backdrop of conference activities
 会议活动的背景板上标注 logo

   Two tables are served in the placement center
 招聘中心两张桌子

   Title sponsorship of the display lights
 LED显示灯的冠名赞助

Gold sponsorship- HK$300,000 (around RMB¥266,000, USD $38,500) (3 entitlements)
金牌-港币30万元 (人民币¥266,000, 美金$38,500)(仅限3 个名额)

   Title sponsorship of one keynote speech
 一个专题讨论会的冠名赞助

   Title sponsorship of two paper sessions
 两个论文报告会的冠名赞助

   Two free quotas for conference participation
 两个免费参加会议的名额

   Free 4-color 2-page ad in conference brochure (if the on-site conference is held as  usual)
 会议手册中免费四色的 2 页广告(如现场会议照常进行)

   One free advertisement on the conference APP
 大会APP上免费广告一则

   Logo of the organization is marked on the conference brochure (or conference APP)
 会议手册(或大会APP)上标注单位 logo

   Logo of the organization is marked on the website of the conference
 会议网站上标注单位 logo

   Logo of the organization is marked on the backdrop of conference activities
 会议活动的背景板上标注 logo

   One table is served in the placement center
 招聘中心一张桌子

   Title sponsorship of paper fan, cap or water bottle. (Choose one out of three)
 扇子,帽子或杯子的冠名赞助 (三选一)

Silver-Lanyard sponsorship – HK$200,000 (around RMB¥177,000, USD $25,600) (1 entitlement)* Selected
银牌-胸牌带赞助-港币20万元 (人民币¥177,000, 美金$25,600)(仅限1 个名额)

   The name of the organization is printed on the lanyard of the conference 
 大会胸牌带上印上单位名称

   Title sponsorship of two paper sessions
 两个论文报告会的冠名赞助

   Two free quotas for conference participation
 两个免费参加会议的名额

   Logo of the organization is marked on the conference brochure (or conference APP)
 会议手册(或大会APP)上标注单位 logo

   Logo of the organization is marked on the website of the conference
 会议网站上标注单位 logo

   Logo of the organization is marked on the backdrop of conference activities
 会议活动的背景板上标注 logo

   One table is served in the placement center
 招聘中心一张桌子

Silver-Material bag sponsorship- HK$150,000 (around RMB¥133,000, USD $19,200) (1 entitlement) 
银牌-資料袋赞助-港币15万元 (人民币¥133,000, 美金$19,200)(仅限1 个名额)

   The name of the organization is printed on the information bag 
 大会资料袋上印上单位名称

   Title sponsorship of two paper sessions
 两个论文报告会的冠名赞助

   Two free quotas for conference participation
 两个免费参加会议的名额

   Logo of the organization is marked on the conference brochure (or conference APP)
 会议手册(或大会APP)上标注单位 logo

   Logo of the organization is marked on the website of the conference
 会议网站上标注单位 logo

   Logo of the organization is marked on the backdrop of conference activities
 会议活动的背景板上标注 logo

   One table is served in the placement center
 招聘中心一张桌子

Silver sponsorship- HK$100,000 (around RMB¥89,000, USD $12,800)
银牌-港币10万元 (约为人民币¥89,000元, 美金$12,800)

   Title sponsorship of two paper sessions
 两个论文报告会的冠名赞助

   Two free quotas for conference participation
 两个免费参加会议的名额

   One free advertisement on the conference APP
 大会APP上免费广告一则

   Logo of the organization is marked on the conference brochure (or conference APP)
 会议手册(或大会APP)上标注单位 logo

   Logo of the organization is marked on the website of the conference
 会议网站上标注单位 logo

   Logo of the organization is marked on the backdrop of conference activities
 会议活动的背景板上标注 logo

   One table is served in the placement center
 招聘中心一张桌子)

Bronze sponsorship- HK$50,000 (around RMB¥44,000, USD $6,400)
铜牌-港币5万元 (约为人民币¥44,000元, 美金$6,400)

   Title sponsorship of one paper session
 一个论文报告会的冠名赞助

   One free quota for conference participation
 一个免费参加会议的名额

   One free advertisement on the conference APP
 大会APP上免费广告一则

   Logo of the organization is marked on the conference brochure (or conference APP)
 会议手册(或大会APP)上标注单位 logo

   Logo of the organization is marked on the website of the conference
 会议网站上标注单位 logo

   Logo of the organization is marked on the backdrop of conference activities
 会议活动的背景板上标注 logo

   One table is served in the placement center
 招聘中心一张桌子

Conference APP sponsorship- HK$50,000 (around RMB¥44,000, USD $6,400)
大会APP开发赞助-港币5万元 (约为人民币¥44,000元, 美金$6,400)

   Title sponsorship of one paper session
 一个论文报告会的冠名赞助

   One free quota for conference participation
 一个免费参加会议的名额

   The name and logo of the organization are marked on the conference APP sponsorship list
 大会APP上赞助名单标注单位以及 logo

   Logo of the organization is marked on the website of the conference
 会议网站上标注单位 logo

   Logo of the organization is marked on the backdrop of conference activities
 会议活动的背景板上标注 logo

Publishers sponsorship- HK$50,000 (around RMB¥44,000, USD $6,400)
出版机构赞助-港币5万元 (约为人民币¥44,000元, 美金$6,400)

   Title sponsorship of one TLC 
 选定TLC(教学经验研讨会)其中一场冠名赞助

   “Sponsored by XXX” is marked under the name of the TLC in the conference brochure
 在会刊中该次研讨会名称下方标注”Sponsored by XXX”

   Promotional banners and materials can be placed outside the TLC venue
 可以在该场研讨会场地外放置他们的宣传易拉宝和宣传资料

   Logo of the organization is marked on the conference brochure (or conference APP)
 会议手册(或大会APP)上标注单位 logo

   Logo of the organization is marked on the website of the conference
 会议网站上标注单位 logo

   Logo of the organization is marked on the backdrop of conference activities
 会议活动的背景板上标注 logo