
ANNE S. TSUI, Founding President of IACMR, currently Special Advisor and Co-treasurer of the Association, is Distinguished Adjunct Professor at the University of Notre Dame since fall 2014, Motorola Professor Emerita of International Management at Arizona State University, and concurrently Visiting Distinguished Professor at Peking University and Fudan University, China. Previously, she was faculty at Duke University, U California, Irvine, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She is the 67th President and Fellow of the Academy of Management (AOM), 14th Editor the Academy of Management Journal, Founding President of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) and Founding Editor-in-Chief of Management and Organization Review. She is also an elected fellow of the Academy of International Business. She won best paper awards from AMJ, ASQ, and JOM, received the Center for Creative Leadership Applied Leadership Research Award, the University of Minnesota Outstanding (Alumnus) Achievement Award, the AOM Distinguished Service Contribution Award, and the IACMR Lifetime Contribution Award. In recent years, she has devoted her professional work to advancing both the quality and the relevance of international and Chinese management research. She is the co-founder of the Responsible Research in Business and Management network (www.RRBM.network). Dr. Tsui received her BA in Psychology from the University of Minnesota, Duluth; MA in Industrial Relations from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; PhD in Management from the University of California, Los Angeles, and an Honorary Doctorate in Economics from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.

Shuming Zhao, Ph.D. in management, Professor and Dean of the School of Business, Nanjing University, P.R. China. Professor Zhao is an internationally-known scholar in human resource management and multinational business management. He has published more than 20 books and over 170 academic papers and articles. Professor Zhao successfully organized and held four international symposia on multinational business management on 1992, 1996, 1999, and 2002 respectively. He has received awards from the States Council, the Ministry of Education, Jiangsu Provincial Government and Nanjing University. In 2003 his book Research on Human Resource Management was awarded for China 13th best book (2003) and first prize by Jiangsu Provincial Government (2003). He was named as the best administrator and professor of the year by Nanjing University in 2003. Professor Zhao was selected as one of the five scholars in Management from the whole nation for China抯 Trans-century Excellent Young Scholars Fund by the State Education Commission of the PRC in 1996. He was selected by Eighth ministries of China as one of the best scholars of “National Hundred, Thousand, and Ten Tousand Talent Project” in 1997. He was also named as the first-level scholar for the “333 Trans-century Academic and Technological Chairperson Project” by Jiangsu Provincial Government in 1998 and 2002 respectively.

Jia Lin Xie is Magna Professor in Management at Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada. Her areas of expertise are job design, job stress, cross-cultural organizational behavior, and knowledge management. Her cross-cultural research focuses on the comparisons between Chinese and North Americans on job-related attitudes and behavior. Her research work has appeared in journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Advances in International Comparative Management, Journal of Applied Psychology, Harvard Business Review (China Edition), Journal of Management, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, and Journal of Organizational Behavior. Born and raised in China, Jia Lin Xie held a faculty position at Renmin University in the 1980s, and at the Faculty of Business of City University of Hong Kong between 1999 and 2001. She has a passion for Chinese management research and internationalization of management knowledge, and has devoted tremendous effort in assisting the knowledge exchange between China and the West.

Jing Zhou, Ph.D., is Houston Endowment Professor of Management and Director for Asian Management Research and Education at the Jones Graduate School of Business at Rice University. Prior to joining Rice, she was Associate Professor and Mays Fellow in the Management Department at the Mays Business School of Texas A&M University. She has received several research and teaching awards for excellence in research and teaching. She has been inducted as a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Her research interests focus on personal and organizational factors that promote or stifle employee creativity and innovation, leadership, and cross-cultural management. Her work has been published in leading journals in management, including Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, and Personnel Psychology. She has served on the editorial boards of top journals in management, including Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Management and Organization Review, and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. She has edited and published a book, Handbook of Organizational Creativity. She is an associate editor of Journal of Applied Psychology. She has taught leadership, managing for creativity and innovation, global leadership, negotiation, and organizational behavior at the undergraduate, MBA, Executive MBA, and Ph.D. levels. She has served as a visiting professor in top business schools in China. She has made executive presentations and consulted with many companies on issues related to her areas of expertise. She has served in leadership positions in professional associations including Chair of the Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management Track of Academy of International Business, Associate Program Chair for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Representative-at-Large of the Organizational Behavior Division of Academy of Management, and Senior Vice President for International Association of Chinese Management Research. In addition to her academic and professional activities, Dr. Zhou is active in serving the community. She has given numerous keynote speeches and workshops in community organizations. She is a trustee at the Post Oak School in Houston.

Chao C. Chen (Ph.D., the State University of New York at Buffalo) is Professor of Management and Global Business at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. He had his undergraduate education in English language and literature in the People’s Republic of China. He was a British Council Scholar studying economics, industrial history, and comparative goverment in the Universities of Manchester and Warwick in England for two years. He received his Master in linguistics and Ph.D. in organization behavior and HR management from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He served as the department chair of Management and Global Business at Rutgers. He was a visiting associate professor at Stern Business School at NYU for two years, and is affliated with the International Ph.D. Program at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. His research interests include rewards and compensation, organizational justice, leadership, networking, and cross-cultural management. He has published in leading management journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Organization Science. He has recently coedited a book to be published by Cambridge University Press on Leadership and Management in China: Philosophies, Theories, and Practices. He currently serves on the editorial boards of Journal of International Business Studies, Asia Pacific Management Journal, and IACMR’s journal of Management and Organization Review. He has taught at undergraduate, MBA, EMBA, and Ph.D. levels courses including organizational behavior, managing diversity, cross-cultural management, negotiation, and organization and culture.

Jiing-Lih (Larry) Farh (Ph.D., Indiana U. at Bloomington, USA) is a Chair Professor of Management at the School of Business and Management at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Previously, he has also served as Head (2000-2003) and Associate Head (1993-1999) of the department. Before returning to Hong Kong, he was a tenured associate professor at Louisiana State University (1984-1993). He received a B.S. in Psychology from National Taiwan University and a MBA from National Chengchi University of Taiwan. He currently serves as a Senior Editor for Management and Organization Review, and has served on the review board of many journals including Academy of Management Journal, Human Relations, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Personnel Psychology, and Leadership Quarterly. He has published over 40 articles in international journals of management such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Vocational Behavior, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. His current research interests are primarily focused on the study of organizational behavior in the Chinese context, such as individual cultural values of power distance and traditionality, work attitudes, guanxi, leadership, and organizational citizenship behavior.

Xin (Eva) Yao (Ph.D., University of Washington) is Assistant Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship at the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado at Boulder in Colorado (2009- ). She was at the W. Frank Barton School of Business at Wichita State University in Kansas (2005-2009). Her research interests focus on the socio-psychological processes in entrepreneurship, including topics such as entrepreneur identity/motivation, founder-CEO succession, new venture financing, and emotional labor. Her articles have been published at the Academy of Management Journal, Organizational Science, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Business Research, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, and Journal of American Medical Association. She has also co-authored chapters on emotion sharing and job embeddedness/turnover.

Simon L. Dolan joined ESADE Business school in 2001 as Ramon Llul University Chair of HRM and International OB. ESADE is ranked amongst the 10 best international business schools. He has been a full tenured Professor of HRM/OB at the School of Industrial Relations, The University of Montreal since 1978 and for many years kept half time position at McGill University in Montreal. He had obtained his Ph.D. from the Carlson Graduate School of Management, the University of Minnesota. He became director of the Centre for the study of Control and evaluation of HRM in the early 1990s. In addition to teaching and various administrative responsibilities at the University of Montreal, Professor Dolan taught as visiting professor/scholar in many universities throughout the globe primarily at the MBA and Ph.D. levels. Among them: Boston University, Northeastern University, The University of Minnesota and The University of Colorado, in the U.S.; Tel Aviv and Haifa University in Israel; McGill University , Concordia University, and St Mary’s University in Canada; Remin University of Beijing (China), Vienna University; ESSEC-Paris, HEC-Paris, Corsica and Toulouse University in France; Federal University of Rio (Brazil); ITESM (Mexico): Cadiz University, Pablo de Olavide University (Seville) , Instituto de Empresa, (Madrid) and Pompeu Fabra University (in Spain). Prof. Dolan has written extensively in the joint fields of human resource management, industrial/organizational psychology, occupational stress and culture reengineering. He has published more than 100 papers in referee journals, refereed proceedings and chapters in published books (i.e Journal of Applied Psychology; Journal of Organizational Behaviour; Journal of organizational & Occupational Psychology; Journal of Social Behavior and Personality; International Journal of Management; Industrial Relations, International Journal of Manpower, etc.). Prof.. Dolan is the Editor-in-chief of Cross cultural Management: An international journal and serves(d) on the editorial board of several other international scientific journals. He is also a referee for many 1st tier journals such as: Personnel Psychology, Academy of Management Journal/Review, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and others. Prof. Dolan speaks several languages among them English, French, Spanish and Hebrew, and understands German and Polish. He had respectively gave over 400 speeches and conferences around the globe on issues pertaining to management of people, culture audit, and other I/O psychology themes. He wrote (or co-authored) 45 books and monographs in multiple languages. Some of his books in various editions such as Human Resource Management: The Canadian Dynamic (ITP: West Publishing 1987; Thomson-Nelson, 1994), Organizational Behaviour: A Canadian Primer, Thomson-(ITP Nelson, 1997), “Psychologie du travail et des organisations” (Gaetan Morin, 1990; 1996, 2002,2007), Gestion des ressources humaines: au seuil de le an 2000 (Pearson 2001, 2005, 2008) are used in the academia and by practitioners in Canada, the U.S. France, Swiss, Belgium and many other countries. One of his HRM book (co-authored with Randall S. Schuler) has been translated to Chinese (2000). Professor Dolan has also published several books in Spanish. Two of his Spanish books on managing by values (see above) and the 10 commandments for managing people have been on the best selling list of the respective publishers for the past several years. Dr. Dolan has recently completed three new books in English published by the U.K. based Palgrave-Macmillan: Managing by Value (2006) , Stress, Self esteem, health and work (2007) and BEYOND (2009). Just published is a new Chinese version of Managing by Values (Renmin University Press, 2010). As the scientific director of IEL (Institute for Labor studies) in ESADE, Prof. Dolan provides leadership to the various research projects undertaken by the Institute. At the present, there are about 17 ongoing projects, many of which are financed by the Catalan government, the Spanish government or the EU. IEL has been selected as one of the best research centers of Catalonia by the government.

Erming Xu (Ph.D., Renmin University of China) is the Professor of Management, School of Business, Renmin University of China. He is also a Deputy Dean, School of Graduate Studies, Renmin University of China. Dr. Xu serves as a member of Business Education Discipline Group under the leadership of the China State Council Academic Degree Committee. He was an original member of China’s National MBA Supervising Committee, and also the chairman of the business management education committee, under the direction of the Ministry of Education. Dr. Xu was visiting scholar in McGill University, Canada, in 1988, and received a research Fulbright fellowship in 1994 to the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA to study international joint ventures. Dr.Xu taught MBA courses as a visiting professor for New York State University at Buffalo from 1997-2007. He was also Fulbright scholar in residence in 2001 to the University of Scranton accredited by the AACSB, Scranton, USA to teach international business. Since then, Dr.Xu is an affiliated faculty in the University of Scranton to teach MBA courses. Dr. Xu has authored several books, on strategic management and interna?tional business and has published numerous articles on Strategic Management and Innovation in scholarly journals. He has served as the associate chair of the Chinese Enterprises Management Research Society. For more information, please contact: emxu@ruc.edu.cn, Tel. (8610)-6251-1300

T.K. Peng is a professor of organizational behavior at I-Shou University, Taiwan and Associate Dean of the College of Management. Since his graduation from Texas Tech University, he has taught introductory management, organizational behavior, organization theory, human resource management, international human resource management, and research methodology at undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels. His current research interests focus on leadership, gender phenomenon in the workplace, and methodological issues. He has published in such outlets as Sex Roles, the Journal of Organizational Behavior, and the Journal of International Business Studies. In a recent study, he attempts to find out whether and under what conditions a transactional leader can be as effective as a transformational leader. He currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Organizational Behavior. He enjoys reading and travel and he likes classic movies.

Dr. Haiyang Li is associate professor of strategic management and innovation at the Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University. He earned a Bachelor and a Master in economics from Renmin (People’s) University of China and received a Ph.D. from City University of Hong Kong. Before joining Rice University, he was on the faculty of Department of Management at Texas A&M University. Dr. Li’s research interests focus on technology entrepreneurship and innovation (particularly in China’s transition economy), strategic alliances and multinational firms’ innovation in emerging markets, as well as the growth of China’s high tech science parks. His articles on the above issues have appeared in Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Marketing, Organization Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Management and Organization Review, Journal of High Technology Management Research, and others.

Professor Edwin Cheng is Dean of the Faculty of Business of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Professor Cheng has been Chair Professor of Management since he joined the institution as a Department Head in 1992. Having served as a Faculty Dean in 1993 and a Vice President in 1995, he returned to the department to focus on teaching and research in 2000. Cheng was awarded the Doctor of Science degree, a higher doctorate, by the University of Cambridge in 2007 for distinction in scientific research. He graduated from the University of Hong Kong in 1979 and obtained a master抯 degree from the University of Birmingham, UK in 1980. He completed his Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge in 1984. Cheng has earned many accolades. Among them are the Rh Award for outstanding contribution to scholarship and research from the University of Manitoba, Canada; the Outstanding Young Engineer of the Year Award from the Institute of Industrial Engineers, USA; the Croucher Award from the Croucher Foundation, Hong Kong; and the Changjiang Scholars Chair Professorship conferred by the Ministry of Education, China. Cheng抯 teaching, research, and consultancy interests range from e-business and e-commerce through information systems management, innovation and technology management, operations management, quality management to scheduling and supply chain management. During his early years of teaching, Cheng taught at the National University of Singapore, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the University of Manitoba, Canada. In recent years, he has enhanced his contribution to education in the Greater China region. Cheng抯 concurrent academic appointments include Siyuan Chair Professor at Nanjing University, China and Honorary Chair Professor at the National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. Cheng has co-authored ten books published by Chapman & Hall, McGraw-Hill, Springer, and other publishers. He has published over 500 research papers in journals including the California Management Review, Journal of Management Information Systems, Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Operations Research, and Organization Science. For half a century from 1959 to 2008, he was the most productive production/operations management researcher in the world (International Journal of Production Economics 2009).

Mr. Dong Liu is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Management and Organization, Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington. He received his MPhil in Management from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2004. His research focuses on leadership, creativity, teams, and entrepreneurship, with particular interest in understanding the complex interface between individuals and multilevel organizational contexts. He has strived to develop and verify multilevel organizational theories through field research conducted in various cultural settings such as United States, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Thailand, and Australia. His work has received the 2009 Top Poster Award from Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology and was nominated for the 2007 Best Overall Paper Award by the Career Division of the Academy of Management. He has won the 2009 Dean’s Outstanding Achievement Award and the Faculty of The Quarter (Winter 2009) Award from the Foster School of Business. His research has been in press or published in Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, and Ivey Case Publishing. He teaches the undergraduate class, Leadership and Organizational Behavior at the Foster School of Business.

Song Wang is a Ph.D. student of Organization Management, at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. She received Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Zhejiang University and exchanged to University of Hong Kong and Kyung Hee University in Korea. She won China National Scholarship and the First-Class Excellent Scholarship in both Peking University and Zhejiang University. Her research interests include leadership, organizational contextualization and self-esteem. Her paper on Paternalistic Leadership has been recognized as the most outstanding dissertation in Zhejiang University. And she won the excellent prize in Scientific Research Training Program in Zhejiang University. Additional, she served the president of Running for 2008 Olympic Sports Community, which was autographed by Juan Antonio Samaranch and Zhenliang He and named as the Star Community in Zhejiang University. She also worked as an intern in Monitor Consulting, Pepsi, Vanke , Baidu and so on.