《组织管理研究》20.5 出版|特刊 SOE Heterogeneity

Letter from the Editor
Dear colleagues,
It is with great excitement that we publish the very first special issue after our new editorial team took the reign of MOR! https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/management-and-organization-review
This special issue focuses on the heterogeneity among Chinese State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). While SOEs still play a critical role in the Chinese economy, after four decades of reform, they have become more heterogenous in their ownership and hierarchical governance structure, the level of hybridity in blending multiple logics, and the leadership characteristics and composition. The aim of this reform in to bolster SOEs efficiency and competitiveness while maintaining a balance between state oversight and market dynamics. The complexity involved in the various forms of SOEs provides fertile ground to explore the institutional, strategic and organizational influences on how SOEs manage the dual pressures of state and market logics, respond to policy adjustments, tackle leadership challenges, and navigate current global trends such as digital transformation and environmental sustainability. The collection of articles in this special issue addresses each of these influences with effective conceptual reasoning and convincing empirical evidence.
I would like to thank the guest editorial team, led by Kenneth Huang, for their tireless efforts in constructing this special issue. It has been three years since the call for proposal was issued, during which time they guided the authors to continuously improve manuscripts on both theoretical insights and empirical rigor. I am truly grateful for their dedication and commitment to this special issue!
Hope you will gain new knowledge and insights from this special issue about current state of Chinese SOEs. Enjoy reading!

Xiao-Ping Chen
Editor-in-Chief, Management and Organization Review
Table of Contents
Special Issue on ‘Heterogeneity among Chinese SOEs’
Guest Editors: Kenneth G. Huang, Runtian Jing, Jun Xia, Cyndi Man Zhang, Weiguo Zhong, and David Zhu
Special Issue Introduction
Huang, K. G., Jing, R., Xia, J., Zhang, C. M., Zhong, W., & Zhu, D. 2024. Coevolution of SOEs and the Chinese economy: The roles of SOE heterogeneity from the institutional, strategic, and organizational perspectives. Management and Organization Review, 20(5)
(Open access: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/management-and-organization-review/article/coevolution-of-soes-and-the-chinese-economy-the-roles-of-soe-heterogeneity-from-the-institutional-strategic-and-organizational-perspectives/B0E3D212A19BA950BD9019E1E060DE76)
Special Issue Articles
Li, H., Chang, Y., Wang, X., & Zhang, N. 2024. Institutional complexity and corporate environmental investments: Evidence from China’s mixed-ownership reform of state-owned enterprises. Management and Organization Review, 20(5)
Luo, X. R., Wang, J., Chen, S., & Chen, B. 2024. ‘Digital divide’: How do central and local SOEs respond differently to digital transformation in China. Management and Organization Review, 20(5)
Min, Y., Lu, J., Wu, Y., & Zhang, Y. 2024. Leadership reconfiguration in state-acquired privately owned enterprises: A paradox between institutional control and agency. Management and Organization Review, 20(5)
Ning, P., Lu, F., Wan, G., & Jia, L. 2024. Catch one and lose another? Executive compensation restriction and corporate social responsibility in state-owned enterprises. Management and Organization Review, 20(5)
Zhu, D., & Li, X-H. 2024. Female leadership and corporate acquisitions in Chinese state-owned enterprises. Management and Organization Review, 20(5)
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