
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the world’s largest general scientific society and publisher of the Science family of journals, has elected Anne Tsui, the Founding President of IACMR, Emeritus Professor of Arizona State University to the newest class of AAAS Fellows, among the most distinct honors within the scientific community.
Anne was elected for her distinguished contributions to the field of management and organizational behavior particularly for research on the critical role of ethical and credible behavior on the part of leaders in business.
“This is an incredible and well-deserved recognition of the outstanding scholarship these faculty have contributed to their fields,” said Sally C. Morton, executive vice president of ASU’s Knowledge Enterprise.
“AAAS is proud to bestow the honor of AAAS Fellow to some of today’s brightest minds who are integral to forging our path into the future,” said Sudip Parikh, AAAS chief executive officer and executive publisher of the Science family of journals. “We celebrate these distinguished individuals for their invaluable contributions to the scientific enterprise.”
The 2021 class of AAAS Fellows includes 564 scientists, engineers and innovators spanning 24 scientific disciplines who are being recognized for their scientifically and socially distinguished achievements.
Click here to learn more about this honor from ASU and AAAS website.

ANNE S. TSUI is currently Motorola Professor Emerita of International Management at the Arizona State University, Distinguished Adjunct Professor at the University of Notre Dame, and Distinguished Visiting Professor at Peking University and Fudan University, China. Previously, she was on the faculty of Duke University, University of California, Irvine, and the Founding Head of the Management Department at the Business School of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She is the 67th President and Fellow of the Academy of Management, 14th Editor the Academy of Management Journal, Founding President of the International Association for Chinese Management Research and Founding Editor-in-Chief of Management and Organization Review. She is also a Fellow of the Academy of International Business. In 2022, she was elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Dr. Tsui received her BA in Psychology from the University of Minnesota, Duluth, MA in Industrial Relations from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis-St. Paul, and PhD in Management from the University of California, Los Angeles. In May 2015, she received an Honorary Doctorate in Economics from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Her research interests include executive leadership, employment relationship, demographic diversity, income inequality, and international management especially in the Chinese context. She has a strong commitment to doctoral education and a strong advocate of responsible social science research in business. She co-founded the Community for Responsible Research in Business and Management (www.rrbm.network), an inter-disciplinary, global, grassroots movement to advance both the credibility and the usefulness of research for both business and society in the service of a better world. She has received numerous awards, including the best paper awards from AMJ, ASQ, and JOM, the Center for Creative Leadership Applied Leadership Research Award, the University of Minnesota Outstanding Achievement Award, the AoM Distinguished Service Contribution Award, and the IACMR Lifetime Contribution Award. She is the recipient of the Women in the Academy of International Business 2021 Woman of the Year Award.
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Professor Zhi-Xue Zhang, the President of IACMR recommends this article (free to download) in the 2022 volume of the Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior by IACMR Founding President, Anne S. Tsui