追求卓越 • 灵感之源 • 学术责任• 奉献精神





Yanjie Bian, Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Ingmar Bjorkman, Professor, Swedish School of Economics
Max Boisot, Professor, The Universitate Oberta de Catalunya
Chao Chen, Associate Professor, New York University
Dong Chen, Ph.D. student, Rutgers University
Ming-jer Chen, Professor, University of Virginia
Xiao-Ping Chen, Associate Professor, University of Washington
Bor-shiuan Cheng, Professor, National Taiwan University
Joseph Cheng, Professor, University of Illinois
John Child, Professor, University of Birmingham
Christopher Earley, Professor, London Business School
Jiing-Lih Larry Farh, Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Joseph Galaskiewicz, Professor, University of Arizona
George Graen, Professor, University of Louisiana
Peilan Guan, Professor, Wuhan University
Jian Han, Ph.D. student, Cornell University
Michael Hitt, Professor, Texas A&M University
Robert J House, Professor, University of Pennsylvania
Robert Hoskisson, Professor, University of Oklahoma
Christopher Hsee, Professor, University of Chicago
Fanmin Kong, Associate Professor, Peking University
Chung-Ming Lau, Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Thomas Lee, Professor, University of Washington
David Li, Associate Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Nan Lin, Professor, Duke University
Martin Zhi Lu, Assistant Professor, Fudan University
Xiaohui Lu, Ph.D. student, University of Pennsylvania
Marshall Meyer, Professor, University of Pennsylvania
George Milkovich, Professor, Cornell University
Victor Nee, Professor, Cornell University
Jean Oi, Professor, Stanford University
Sam Park, Professor, CEIBS/Rutgers University
Jone L. Pearce, Professor, University of California, Irvine
Kaiping Peng, Assistant Professor, University of California, Berkeley
Mike W. Peng, Assistant Professor, Ohio State University
Siqing Peng, Assistant Professor, Peking University
Gordon Redding, Professor, INSEAD
Claudia Bird Schoonhoven, Professor, University of California, Irvine
W. Richard Scott, Professor, Stanford University
Oded Shenkar, Professor, Ohio State University
Wenpin Tsai, Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University
Anne S. Tsui, Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Rosalie Tung, Professor, Simon Fraser University
Mary Ann von Glinow, Professor, Florida International University
Mitsuru Wakabayashi, Professor, Nagoya University
Andrew Walder, Professor, Stanford University
Lihua Olivia Wang, Ph.D. student, Northwestern University
Zhong Ming Wang, Dean and Professor, Zhejiang University
Malcolm Warner, Professor, University of Cambridge
David Whetten, Professor, Brigham Young University
Zhixing Xiao, Ph.D. student, INSEAD
Jia Lin Xie, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
Katherine Xin, Associate Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Dean Xu, Assistant Professor, Peking University
Aimin Yan, Associate Professor, Boston University
Kuo Shu Yang, Professor, Academia Sinica and National Taiwan University
Ming Zeng, Assistant Professor, INSEAD
Xiangquan Zeng, Dean and Professor, Renmin University of China
Guo Hua Zhang, Dean and Professor, China Europe International Business School
Zhixue Zhang, Assistant Professor, Peking University
Weiying Zhang, Dean and Professor, Peking University
Chunjun Zhao, Dean and Professor, Tsinghua University
Shuming Zhao, Dean and Professor, Nanjing University
Zu Kang Zheng, Dean and Professor, Fudan University
Jing Zhou, Associate Professor, Texas A&M University
Xueguang Zhou, Professor, HKUST


Neil R. Abramson, Associate Professor, Simon Fraser University
Ralph Achenbach, Ph.D. student, Australian Graduate School of Management
David C. Ahlstrom, Associate Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Ilan Alon, Associate Professor, Rollins College
Jose L Alves, Academic Affairs Coord & Teacher Assistant, Inter-University Institute of Macau
Wolfgang Amann, Researcher, Research Institute for International Management
Alistair R Anderson, Professor, Robert Gordon University
Soon Ang, Professor, Nanyang Technological University
Nelson J. S. Antonio, Professor, ISCTE
Peter H. Antoniou, Adjunct Professor, California State University, San Marcos
Richard D. Arvey, Professor, University of Minnesota
Neal Ashkanasy, Professor, University of Queensland
Wing Tung Au, Associate Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Daniel G Bachrach, Assistant Professor, University of Alabama
Changhong Bai, Associate Professor, Nankai University
Bat Batjargal, Assistant Professor, Harvard University/Peking University
Paul W. Beamish, Professor, The University of Western Ontario
Russell Belk, Professor, University of Utah
Ke Bian, Ph.D. student, University of Oklahoma
Thomas A Birtch, Research Fellow, University of Cambridge
Roger N. Blakeney, Associate Professor, University Houston
Matt Bloom, Associate Professor, University of Notre Dame
John W. Boudreau, Professor, Cornell University/University of Southern California
Brian Boyd, Associate Professor, Arizona State University
Daniel J Brass, Professor, University of Kentucky
Jeanne Brett, Professor, Northwestern University
Adrienne A. R. Brooks, DBA student, University of Texas at San Antonio
Alan L Brumagima, Associate Professor, University of Scranton
Nailin Bu, Associate Professor, Queen’s University
Frances Burke, Professor Emerita, Suffolk University
Anthony Cantarella, Assistant Professor/Ph.D. student, Murray State University
Darius K-S Chan, Associate Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
K C Chan, Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Peng S. Chan, Professor, California State University – Fullerton
Yu-chi Chang, Associate Professor, Notre Dame University
Georgia T. Chao, Associate Professor, Michigan State University
Satya P Chattopadhyay, Associate Professor, University of Scranton
Chih-Chieh Chen, Researcher, Academia Sinica
Chun-Chung Chen, Assistant Professor, Yuan Ze University
Haiyang Chen, Professor, Youngstown State University
Ann Hui Chen, Associate Professor, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Jiazhou Chen, Assistant Professor, Jinan University
Jingqiu Chen, Peking University
Jin Chen, Professor, Zhejiang University
Jui-Chen Chen, Ph.D. student, Southeastern University
Liang Chen, Ph.D. student, Nanyang Technological University
Lu Chen, Ph.D. student, University of Pennsylvania
Ning Chen, Ph.D. student, UCLA
Shyh-jer Chen, Professor, National Sun Yat-sen University
Weiru Chen, Ph.D. student, Purdue University
Charles Weizheng Chen, Professor, Sichuan University
Wenhong Chen, Ph.D. student, University of Toronto
Yasheng Chen, Ph.D. student, University of Western Ontario
Ya-Ru Chen, Assistant Professor, New York University
Yi-jung Chen, Ph.D. student, NSYSU
George Zhen Xiong Chen, Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University
Ziguang Chen, Professor, City University of Hong Kong
Chi-Ying Cheng, Ph.D. student, University of Michigan
Ranis Cheng, Ph.D. student, Manchester Metropolitan University
Siwei Cheng, Head of Management Science, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Flora Cheung-Birtch, Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Gilbert L. S. Cheung, Ph.D. student, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
David A. S. Chew, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University
Shu-Cheng Chi, Professor, National Taiwan University
Tailan Chi, Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Warren Chi Kwan Chiu, Associate Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Jiun-Fei Chiu, Associate Professor, Yuan-Ze University
Randy K. Chiu, Associate Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University